Hilma Pharma a scammer snake


New member
watch out for Hilma Pharma they are a snake in the grass waiting to bite you.
After I made an order with them I was told I needed to pay and they gave me instructions. Sent over $800 for my order plus shipping which was $25. no issues until I sent the payment, then they ghosted me.
They are nice until you place the order then you are trash to them. Highly recommend not messing around with them.
watch out for Hilma Pharma they are a snake in the grass waiting to bite you.
After I made an order with them I was told I needed to pay and they gave me instructions. Sent over $800 for my order plus shipping which was $25. no issues until I sent the payment, then they ghosted me.
They are nice until you place the order then you are trash to them. Highly recommend not messing around with them.
Hilma pharma is not trusted i dont like them at all
bros Hilma pharma never been any good. lots of complaints over the years