Hitting Plateau's


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Bodybuilders are frequently puzzled by what to do when they hit a plateau. A good rule to follow is that you should see improvement on at least a monthly basis. If a month goes by and you see no noticeable improvement, it is time to make some changes to your diet, training or both. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to faithfully stick to a program which is not giving you any results. You cannot achieve greatness in any field by guesswork. You need to have some specific, objective goals and keep records to determine if you're making progress toward achieving them. If you don't set goals and don't regularly keep records, it will be impossible to monitor your progress.
Dude, I go long periods of time with no improvement. But in the long run I seem to be bigger than I have been in the past. My strength fluxuates with my training techniques, so it safe to say that comes and goes also.
yeah , its pretty important to see how you're progressing or not progressing and take steps accordingly , some people dont really know any other step besides "upping the dose " when they hit a plateau , but infact, quite a few things can be done when we hit a plateau , here's something nice i came across , written by bryan haycock :
"If you aren't growing it is because:
1) You aren't lifting enough weight (load)
2) You aren't lifting it enough times (volume)
3) You aren't training frequently enough
4) You aren't eating enough and/or eating properly
5) RBE has made your muscle tissue resistant to furhter growth (you must do Strategic Deconditioning)
6) You are as big as your endocrine system and hypertrophy-specific training can support. (You would be pretty big already if this is the case) "

also , eating , one simple thing , say if u get 25 gms of dextrose and 1 table spoon of olive oil for the first 4 meals of ur day , uve got 100 gms carbs(400 cals) and 60 gms fat ( isnt it ?) , thats like another 500-600 cals , so a 100 cals over there , and u wouldnt have even noticed that uve increased food intake by 1000 cals , u see ?