
Hookers, would you?

  • I have...

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • I haven't but def. would...

    Votes: 9 15.8%
  • I have an never will again...

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I haven't and wouldn't...

    Votes: 23 40.4%
  • I might...(MUST specify the specifications of circumstance)

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
I was thinking about this thread tonight and thinking about the person that i used to be. Without going into any personal details about me, I was a warrior. I trained to be a fighter, I fought with whoever would fight me, I joined the Marines, I didn't talk to my family, I was alone and loved it that way. I wouldn't have it any other way at that point in time. I had a deathwish, I wanted to die in combat. But more, I had a kill wish. i wanted to take lives and feel the power it offered.

the point to this is... Why in God's name would I have tried to hold a relationship with any woman when I was who I was at that point in my life? the answer is, I didn't. I wanted to get laid and throw them out when I was done with them. I broke a ton of hearts, relentlessly.

If prostitution where legal, I wouldn't have had to treat so many women like trash. But, the way I see it, I did all the good guys a favor. After they had a taste of what a real bad boy was like, they didn't ever want another one again. Every woman has to be hurt to appreciate a good man.

Point is, hookers serve a purpose. Some guys really shouldn't be holding a relationship but sex is a basic human need.
jaywooly said:
so far haven't and wouldn't is the winner by 4, you people dissapoint me.

sorry jay, we aren't all dirtly lonely men like you.

I am, but not everyone else. :coollook:
Well, I had a fuck buddy who later told me she was once a escort. After dropped her ass cause she was fucked in the head- later she told me she was 4 months pregnant.

So what im saying is I never have, but I might as well have, and it sure did cost me in the end. My daughter is 2 now, I never get to see her, and her mom gets about a grand a month.

If thats not the best legal form of prostitution, I dont know what is.....
I have no desire, in my mind if any1 should be getting paid its me i am the bodyrocker and i do all the work, so when i lay them down and take them to loveland, they will know whatsup after that.
It's more than comical,...Just think about it, it's all about sex, and i know most would say, well i wont pay for sex, but if it actually came down to it, alot would be down to it, especially seeing a girl that doesnt even look like a hooker or an escort and later on she tells you, pay up bitch.....
Fo shizzle MO DIZZLE. Everyone ends up paying for a woman; if you are married check how much your wife spends.
mikeswift said:
that's pretty harsh, does that include my sisters and my mother? :finger:

well, im sure our mothers and sisters have done some things......nobody is a saint. :satan:
In the neighboehood I live they walk in front of my house 24/7.it cracks me up the types of men that spend money on those skanks!!!But I sat and did the math once if a girl suck a dick about 1 every 20 minutes or so she's pulling down about 200,00 grand a year that's alot crack rock!!!
oldtimer said:
!!!But I sat and did the math once if a girl suck a dick about 1 every 20 minutes or so she's pulling down about 200,00 grand a year that's alot crack rock!!!

you mean thats alot of cocks.
Well that to LOL!But It ends up as crack 5 minutes after the skanks get out of the car.I hate the shit!Anythibg that would make a person do something like that just to support a habit is just fuck up in my book.It's really sad seeing the shit everyday.
all women are hookers...think about this..you take a girl out on a date,dinner 100$,cab ride/gas 10$, movie 20$, refreshments at the movie 20$, drinks after wards 50$ and than u may get a bj or even some ass at the end...so basically you are paying upwards of 150-200$ to "possibly" get laid, when you can give some asian massage parlor girl 20 bucks to "love you long time" and never have to speak to her again..

p.s. on another note i am in a relationship so dont think i totally think of all woman as hookers, there are some who will fuck you for free LMAO!!!