Hormone manipulation for fast weight loss, fact ot fiction?

The Survivor

New member
OK at my gym I am associated with a national weight loss franchise. I agree with some of their principles, as most do have weight to lose. They tend to be gimmicky and always looking at hyping some pop culture gimmick. Apparently now they have a new program that utilizes natural hormones to lose weight.

The powers that be are stroking me to become involved with all this. I guess I should keep an open mind on what all this is before I yell BS! I kinda think this may be along the lines of natural GH boosters or something similar for weight loss. I assume the only way to truly alter hormones effectively is via injectable meds or prescription orals like t3 and so on.

Anyone concur? Would you be leery too? The only good that may come from this would be profits......
The way I look at it, 2 choices, get the real Mccoy, deal with the side effects associated w/them OR get the OTC stuff, maybe you be in the 5% that it may marginally work on, (actually its more in yr head).
The way I look at it, 2 choices, get the real Mccoy, deal with the side effects associated w/them OR get the OTC stuff, maybe you be in the 5% that it may marginally work on, (actually its more in yr head).

You called it when you said "marginally" work. Even the Best OTC boosters, whether its a GH or Test booster, are only a slight fraction of an increase if that. Way too many variables in my opinion. The only sure fire way to manipulate hormones are to take that hormone. Are there side effects? Of course, but anything you take has side effects no matter if its prescription or OTC. I'd much rather take the real deal and know what sides I'm gonna be dealing with. Side effects are fairly simple to counteract. But, like anything, this is just my opinion from experience with a multitude of OTC and prescription products.

The Anabolic and Fat Burning effects of hormones such as Testosterone and HGH, etc. are well researched and documented making these some of the best compoundsanyone can use for these purposes.
You called it when you said "marginally" work. Even the Best OTC boosters, whether its a GH or Test booster, are only a slight fraction of an increase if that. Way too many variables in my opinion. The only sure fire way to manipulate hormones are to take that hormone. Are there side effects? Of course, but anything you take has side effects no matter if its prescription or OTC. I'd much rather take the real deal and know what sides I'm gonna be dealing with. Side effects are fairly simple to counteract. But, like anything, this is just my opinion from experience with a multitude of OTC and prescription products.

The Anabolic and Fat Burning effects of hormones such as Testosterone and HGH, etc. are well researched and documented making these some of the best compoundsanyone can use for these purposes.
Exactly, any measurable increase is likely not significant enough to impact muscle growth, and for all we know, some herbs may exert their prosexual/propump/promass effects through other mechanisms that science has yet to define.
Whether you increase a hormone through diet, or by injection, you always have to, to some extent or another - figure your ratios and make changes based on that.

You always have to weigh out the risks, but many herbs come out with follow up studies, especially on many of the so-called "test boosting herbs" - showing new incidences of cyto toxcitiy, now I can say that some herbs and supplements have positive effects, but when truly talking about manipulating hormones - you're either better off pinning or not at all!

The rate you build muscle naturally, and trust me, many have tried swallowing nearly a pints worth of pills - and it didn't accelerate the pace that much!

This is not to say you shouldn't do your research, but I've tried a hella lot of supplements, including the over the counter prohormones, and DMZ is some shit, I like it, but it still doesn't compare and honestly I've gotten less side-effects from mast,winstrol,anavar and anadrol combined then I did from super DMZ!
Wish I'd read this a couple of years ago. I did a round of fairly pricey OTC boosters & my dr was impressed with the increase in numbers. He said that my levels were better than he generally sees with HRT patients. That was disappointing since HRT was where I was hoping to take the conversation when I "confessed" to self-medicating w/ OTCs. He and I are only a couple of years apart in age, and I know he's experimented with injectible meds for off-label usage. He was eager to know what I had used, so I told him. I didn't expect huge gains from an OTC, was mainly hoping for some restoration to normalcy in terms of mental outlook and physicality. I came to believe that my improved state was the result of the placebo effect. The only real physical change I experienced was an enlarged prostate. I think you guys are right on using things you can research with side-effects for which you can prepare to control.
Wish I'd read this a couple of years ago. I did a round of fairly pricey OTC boosters & my dr was impressed with the increase in numbers. He said that my levels were better than he generally sees with HRT patients. That was disappointing since HRT was where I was hoping to take the conversation when I "confessed" to self-medicating w/ OTCs. He and I are only a couple of years apart in age, and I know he's experimented with injectible meds for off-label usage. He was eager to know what I had used, so I told him. I didn't expect huge gains from an OTC, was mainly hoping for some restoration to normalcy in terms of mental outlook and physicality. I came to believe that my improved state was the result of the placebo effect. The only real physical change I experienced was an enlarged prostate. I think you guys are right on using things you can research with side-effects for which you can prepare to control.

welcome to MC
we should all now by now everything over the counter is BS. only thing that works for weight loss is Diet!! cardio!!
and yes if your ass is lazy or you compete hormone manipulation is the other factor in the equation.

masterone/winstrol combo 100mg each daily
Everything that is good is regulated and controlled. If it is not and it works it soon will be. All other OTC stuff is crap, except for ephedrine.
Everything that is good is regulated and controlled. If it is not and it works it soon will be. All other OTC stuff is crap, except for ephedrine.
So I guess the age old question: Does it work? Answer, yes it lines the pocket of those selling it. For the consumer, not a chance in hell