Horny on Deca

Im uasually 100 plus over to 150 more.
But on tren ace i was only 400 test p and 600 mg ace and was always ready.
I keep the test even higher. I like the 2-400mgs over the 19. Depending on the amount of the 19nor.

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Does anyone even use Deca anymore? Sadly it’s rarely mentioned! In terms of Deca making you horny as per the original topic, Hell no not I
I was going to use it just for the benefit of helping to keep my knees and elbows from disintegrating (not really that), but I haven't always responded favorably to it in terms of building muscle and size. This time around, I wanted to concentrate on muscle and size for a change so I got together as many anabolic elements as I could that I know I respond to. I'm old enough though, I should probably always throw it in just for the joint protection. As far as the original topic, hell YES, that happens to me. Same with tren. Of course with either of them, they make you horny, but then it takes forever to get it out or you go limp in the process, lol.