Hot countries


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Anyone know which countries are hot to import from right now?

The olympics are over, so I'm curious to know if which countries might be on a serious hot list or not. Plus I guess it also depends on which US Coast you live on, b/c it goes through different international airports.

I live on the East coast, and i guess the closest air port is philadelphia ...

oh yeah, if you actually know the REAL one's b/c of a legit source, that'd be nice to know..

i'd assume that china is still on the hot list.. what else?
China is good to go. And it is alot more safe to have it sent on the east coast due to customs. ALso using EMS is the best way to have stuff sent from over seas.
Where i ordered it was free, and it was EMS. Great shipping company, with tracking#'s!

I just read up on this because I wasn't sure of the acronym. It just stands for "express mail services" and is simply an agreement among postal services in different countries. What happens is when a package is sent express via whatever government postal service exists in the shipper's country it gets transferred to the US Postal Service (assuming the recipient is in the US). In my experience, it's usually the default or only shipping option. Also, in my experience, if there are multiple options, EMS is probably the best. In short, I second what h8tr3d says - EMS generally yields the highest success rate.