How can I get more vascular


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Im started to see veins more into my cycle but not like I would like to. Im sure losing more weight would help, but is there anything else that will help?
EQ will bring them out, carbs and water, and Hawthorne berry can raise your bp enough to get them popping. Or you can just use some string and tie off your arms at the top of biceps like the Ulitimate Warrior used too!
Yea I've gotta agree bodyfat plays a big factor. My arms are veiny as hell, but if I drop a few % I get them in my legs and stomach as well.
Like others said losing body fat is going to be the only sure fire way...Adding additional supplements especially one's that increase blood pressure is not the best (or safest) way to look more vascular. You should fix your diet and routine first.