How Did You Find MuscleChemistry

How Did You Find MuscleChemistry

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I was on a search to be on a few more forums and saw this one through the tapatalk list they mention. I've seen a few guys here I recognize.

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I was doing some research and came across a couple of sites but this was the only who was very friendly, very knowledgeable people on here. Thumbs up

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I was doing some research and came across a couple of sites but this was the only who was very friendly, very knowledgeable people on here. Thumbs up
Please take a second and check How you found MuscleChemistry. This will help us see where we need to concentrate our future advertising.

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Team MuscleChemistry

Bumping to the top!

Please vote so we know where to allocate our money in advertising and more importantly where NOT to spend our money on!
Read into for years over a decade before joining.
@Presser it's like I known u forever!!
I don't talk to anyone about who I am on a board. No friends to talk to about this part.
Gym I say hi with thumbs up and ear phones in...

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i found the site researching trt at 58. mc has more information about fitness and steroids than other sites. most sites seemed to be just message boards without any real quality. i also found the post for making my own gear very helpful. it's been good being here.
i found the site researching trt at 58. mc has more information about fitness and steroids than other sites. most sites seemed to be just message boards without any real quality. i also found the post for making my own gear very helpful. it's been good being here.

I like it here, people are nice and not snots. I have a feeling this is a more mature board...............not a bunch of 18 year old want-a-be's.
Man, I just went back and started reading this from the beginning. A ton of old names bringing back memories. Some still here, some doing different things, some moved on to the big gym in the sky.
Man, I just went back and started reading this from the beginning. A ton of old names bringing back memories. Some still here, some doing different things, some moved on to the big gym in the sky.

Yeah man, we lost two site reps to the big gym in the sky! Chris Genkinger and John Ryan both were amazing reps here! And your right every once in a while a name will pop up on here posting a question or something and ill be like "wait i know that name" lol. then ill look under their avatar and see their JOIN DATE and just wonder where the fuck have you been lol i honest to goodness seen a 2005 name not long ago, hell your a 2009 and we was rocking a decade prior to that.

We should have a reunion and have it at The American Legion like proper old men lmao
Yeah man, we lost two site reps to the big gym in the sky! Chris Genkinger and John Ryan both were amazing reps here! And your right every once in a while a name will pop up on here posting a question or something and ill be like "wait i know that name" lol. then ill look under their avatar and see their JOIN DATE and just wonder where the fuck have you been lol i honest to goodness seen a 2005 name not long ago, hell your a 2009 and we was rocking a decade prior to that.

We should have a reunion and have it at The American Legion like proper old men lmao

Hells yea, brutha! LOL
like what kind of aminos?

A few years ago I was using some injectable aminos for Titan Medical in Florida along with my trt. The pumps and the energy I got were out of this world but like all trt clinics their stuff is way over priced so I was trying to figure out what they use as far as solvents and carrier oils.

They have a product called Hercules potion which had Arginine, Glutamine, Lysine, Ornithine, L-citruline, Taurine, L-proline, NAC, and L-carnitine in it.

I was site injecting this stuff and like I said the pumps were crazy and the energy I had training was unbelivable. I have a ton of experience homebrewing gear so I figured i could make my own injectable aminos as well but I just can't seem to find exactly what they use for solvents or carrier. I've made some injectable Glutahione that wasn't bad but I'm thinking I'm gonna need more then just distilled water to hold all the other aminos in one solution.