How do _you_ run Prop?

Presser said:
u lost me on the castor oil,lol

EO is very thin oil, low viscosity. Castor Oil is very thick, high viscosity. So my carrier is a blend of the two. 80% EO/ 20% Castor Oil. I still can draw with a 23ga needle and shoot with a 25ga and that's without warming the oil :)

Some people report problems with their syringe sticking if they use 100% EO, this solves that problem. Also castor oil slows down the absorption of the hormone. I got a bottle of USP Castor Oil at my local Walgreens.
justintempler said:
I was running prop and tren. Stopped the tren due to breathing (not related to the tren) So I upped my prop to 150mg/ED. I'm running 100mg/ml prop based in EO and it's painless :)
what kind of breathing problems did you run into and how do you know it wasn't because of the tren?? just curious
It came after a lat injection, had some pain for a couple days. I think it was a reaction to something in my olive oil. It wasn't USP so it may have had an additive in it. I did sterilize the oil and filter it. I've run tren before and know what decreased breathing from it is like, this was different.

I switched to EO and things are better. I want to run a high dose of test anyway and save tren for the next cycle. I'm still new to steroids and do a lot of research (that's how I found out about the EO/Castor Oil blend) so I'm still experimenting.