How do i measure body fat % ?

The easiest way is to measure it with calipers, most gyms have them or you can buy them at almost any fitness related store. You can also try and find somewhere that will measure it by water displacement but that can be pricey and hard to find.
calipers is the way to go, don't buy into the hype of those BF% scales, unless you get a very good, expensive model they won't be accurate enough to measure an athletes bodyfat and even the high end models aren't very accurate.
dont worry about being flamed bro, were all here to help out one and another, so if you want post a pic and maybe some others can take an educated guess for you as well.
go with the calipers... scales are a waste of money... my dad has one and it says that I have a BF% of 33%... crazy ass machine... I have had many trainers and myself, check with calipers and they're always within 1% of each other... and the calipers say that I'm 12% BF... so just go buy a caliper and save the money for other things...
Type in bodyfat calculator in the search box and a link will appear stating it needs no measurements. Try this formula. It was actually within 1.5% of my caliper bf%. Let me know what you think...
Hey thanks for the formula, i did it just now. I have to say i was a little dissapointed but i figured it would be around this high. According to the results of the formula im right under 20% so at least with this it will give me something to go on. But that seems to be a pretty close estimate, so im satisfied for now. Thanks again!
here's what you do, borrow presser's skimpies from his avatar, go to the beach, if you get laid, your bf is good, if everyone including the whale laugh, your a fat mo$%^ F@^@#!!!
dont use that electronic piece of shit
it dosent work
last show it said i was 23% bf
and i was well under 5%
The best bf% measurement is underwater test, that is almost if not close to accuracy....could be worth, but i dont know how much they cost
supposedly Tanita is working on a new one that will work for athletes but in the meantime the best option is calipers
Modizzle is right that the water test is the most accurate, but for general purposes it is a little difficult since most places will charge you do it. Best option is calipers as Mikeswift said.
supermannpc said:
dont use that electronic piece of shit
it dosent work
last show it said i was 23% bf
and i was well under 5%

Yep I came out at 39% four weeks out from a show on one of those electronic pieces of crap