How Do You Feel About Competition?

guys should like it if other hot guys are checking out there girl just as long as she isnt checking him out that would be wrongif some chik was checking out my man i would knock her on her a**
old fashioned

im not that old, but like others were sayin if a person approaches me when im with my girl and says something respectful like "ur attractive" then ill wait to see what she says or does and give him the evil eye to back the F*ck up. anything else no sir i wont stand for it and get aggresive, not neccessarily fight but a something would be said. also i dont believe in the "Look all u want shes going home with me" nope. my question is does she want 2 ? jus because shes with u doesnt mean she wants to go with u. u might have her body but maybe not her mind. im a guy that likes to stay on top of his game. so thought s like that make me think im slippin, which leads to being comfortable. but what do i know im jealous as hell amd possessive.:p