How do you like your gym crowd?

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'll be the first to botch about a crowded gym and not being able to get on the equipment I want, but in all honesty I love training during the busy times as does Silk. When it's sparse I just feel like the elephant in the room and have a hard time getting motivated.
I know other guys who train at midnight as they want the gym to themselves.
Which are you?
I hate crowds- I train either early in the morning or sometimes late at night.
A lot of the members are kids that run in pack and they want to call attention to themselves.
I have no tolerance for that. Worse are those that talk on the phone while they are working out- WTF???
I train in my basement. The crowd is me and my mirror.

How do you focus and get excited and amped up? I will have a home gym in the near future, but just for emergencies. I need the gym atmosphere!
I need to feel the energy of a public gym type setting but not a packed house place of gossip and teens on their phones. I've tried private key type gyms in the past and motivation is not there for me. Gym also needs lots of natural light so I don't get that boxed in feeling since I'm indoors all the time from work.
I hate it when the gym is crowded. I don't mind a few people, but really I prefer to be alone. I get motivated just being at the gym, so I don't really need anyone around for that.
I much rather be in a empty gym. Things like today when two ladies had 50 lbs on the bench and were on the other side of gym so I took it off and started my sets and they got mad at me really piss's me off!!!
I blast MY music and dont have to worry if I pass gas, burp or drop weights. I come up with the best exercises. I have this great piece called the Sherman. It has a bar attatched to ropes and its better than a spotter. I can post the link. Best thing I ever bought. I have never had a problem getting pyched. I watch Youtube and such or a tape before hand. Before my surgery, I was a gym equipment whore. I was more into acquimg pieces after a while and not lifting. Once my shoulder got operated on, I sold most. Man, I had 4 hammer strength pieces, an Icarion leg press. a custom smith machine. It was an awesome gym. Now I have gotten some back, but nothing like I had. I building back slow. You can find great commercial stuff on Craigs list. I did join Golds last summer and went maybe 6 times. I hated it. I canceled. I love being able to throw my dumbells or scream and such.
I go at 5am so there is mostly women at my gym in the morning, in the evening between 4-8 its crowded as hell. If i dont get there in the morning I go after 8 in the evening.
I hate crowds- I train either early in the morning or sometimes late at night.
A lot of the members are kids that run in pack and they want to call attention to themselves.
I have no tolerance for that. Worse are those that talk on the phone while they are working out- WTF???

cant agree more bro. i hate that shit. but recently theres starting to be alot of bigger guys training. its been keeping me motivated, and pumped.
I go at 5am so there is mostly women at my gym in the morning, in the evening between 4-8 its crowded as hell. If i dont get there in the morning I go after 8 in the evening.

damn thats early, i have to have atleast a meal in me foe training,
damn thats early, i have to have atleast a meal in me foe training,

That's why I've never been able to do mornings. I need to eat first and I can't get up early enough to eat then hit the gym before work.
I agree thats why MRP's are important in my diet. Its fast and easy and on mornings of cardio I do not consume anything and eat afterwards. In the evening I use an mrp go and then eat solid food afterwards. My day is usuaally 7-4 so its what works for me and I beat the crowds and dont have to wait for equipment-not like I do anyways..
I like a few people in there, but I enjoy being around bigger guys because seeing them lift typically gives me a little boost of confidence and energy