How do you use cabaser?


New member
I was reading about cabaser and I was wondering how most of you take it? Some articles seem like its in liquid form.. I have gotten it in 20mg pills. Would you convert that to a liquid and how would you do that? What kind of dosages would you run during your cycle. Its a cycle of 600mgs of Test C a week, 400mgs of Deca a week and 50mgs of Anadrol every day for 2 weeks. It will be a 12 week cycle.
There are so many variations, but usually you would run it .5mgs E3days or E4days....I personally start at 1mg tab then every 4th day take 1/2 tab...

On a low dose cycle like that you might not need it, but with deca and tren it keeps away pregyno, and it combined with nolva will reverse existing gyno conditions...Do a search on here for Cabaser, Im basically the spokesperson for the stuff I like it so much.

How do I dose it? I have it in 20mg pills so how would I get to 1mg or .5 mgs? Would it be easy to make it a liquid? I kinda looked around on here for that and didnt see much, but alot of different opinions on it.
Another question, Ive read about how people take it just for the sexual sides, supposed to make sex even better.... Would that be the same dosages?
Another question, Ive read about how people take it just for the sexual sides, supposed to make sex even better.... Would that be the same dosages?

Yep same dose 500mcg every 3 days.Progesterone is the bad guy that is why deca or tren is bad for me,well deca is way worse.