how does one feel with low t TESTOSTERONE levels

Yep feels like you could move a mountain and screw whatever is underneath it.:)
However it is way so much gear are you trying to kill yourself bro?
Try 500 test e 200 deca and 100 mast. Less is always better and your pct will be a lot more effective.

im all for less is more as ell, but 750mg a week isn't going to kill anyone brutha lol
im all for less is more as ell, but 750mg a week isn't going to kill anyone brutha lol

And 200 deca and 100 mast? that would be a therapeutic trt dose if anything. Mast barely does anything under 500mg and deca I'd say at least 400mg to see any anabolic benefit worth mentioning...

Might as well just grab a tub of creatine at those doses
im all for less is more as ell, but 750mg a week isn't going to kill anyone brutha lol
Tell that to my buddy who just passed from a heart attack from using 800 mgs. The docs said that the use of high does weakings the heart valves. His heart stopped while he was sleeping!! All I am saying is be careful and do your research bro
Tell that to my buddy who just passed from a heart attack from using 800 mgs. The docs said that the use of high does weakings the heart valves. His heart stopped while he was sleeping!! All I am saying is be careful and do your research bro
I'm very sorry to hear that. No disrespect to your friend at all, but that doctor made an ignorant assumption. My guess is that your friend had an underlying condition that he was unaware of. There is no hard evidence pointing to steroids weakening the heart. There's a difference between responsible cycling and irresponsible cycling and/or abuse. If cycling irresponsibly (not controlling e2, not watching rbc and hematocrit, unhealthy eating, etc...) then yes you can do damage to your body, including your heart. But if you know what you're doing and have all the necessary ancillaries and know how to monitor your health, then 750mg of test is not a whole lot. I've done years of research on steroids my friend. That's more than most doctors can say. If there's one thing that a lot of doctors are completely ignorant to, it's steroid use.
I'm very sorry to hear that. No disrespect to your friend at all, but that doctor made an ignorant assumption. My guess is that your friend had an underlying condition that he was unaware of. There is no hard evidence pointing to steroids weakening the heart. There's a difference between responsible cycling and irresponsible cycling and/or abuse. If cycling irresponsibly (not controlling e2, not watching rbc and hematocrit, unhealthy eating, etc...) then yes you can do damage to your body, including your heart. But if you know what you're doing and have all the necessary ancillaries and know how to monitor your health, then 750mg of test is not a whole lot. I've done years of research on steroids my friend. That's more than most doctors can say. If there's one thing that a lot of doctors are completely ignorant to, it's steroid use.
True some docs know nothing about gear.