How I put on 30 pounds in 3 months!

Bro's ,
I agree with Tomsizemore on this. NO one fever set a set level of how can be taken. You need to keep your body in that positive nitro flow. Sometimes it means consuming more protien in one setting. There are times I eat as little as 40 grms and times as much as 80-90 so do the math here. If you are running slin it works better too. the shit runns right threw you you sould not have any trouble. As far as the oil goes bro this is something everybody should need some-kind of fat there so why not that???? I agree with Mr. Sizmore on this. laterMM
First of all you can't put a general number for how much protein can be metabolized from one meal. At 195 and on AAS with GH\T3 I shoot for 75-100gr of protein per meal between food and protein powder. My suggestion to everyone is to setup your diet in Excel or some sort of spreadsheet so you can track your calories, fat, protein, carbs daily and break them down per meal. I could not agree more with BigFrog when he said that most guys think they are eating more than they are, kinda like fish stories. The fish is always bigger that it actually was. Eat, eat, eat and then eat some more. Learn to eat right and the rest is fairly easy in comparison.
Actually, 20 years ago or so they did a test to determine that the body on an average person could only assimulate (sp?) 38 grams of protein per sitting (or was it per day?) but that was actually an "average" person. The tests weren't done on athlete's. Obviously working out changes the way your body works. You use nutrients in a different way than a non-active person. I don't know if they've ever done a test really on protein and athlete's.. ?
your not the only one whos gained that much weight in such a short period of time without gear, I stopped working out for a few months and got back into it back in July and by the middle of october I'd gained 37 pounds believe it or not, for 3 1/2 months. I had been working out for 6 years before I stopped working out so I am a fairly experienced lifter. But yes food intake is so important, All I say is if you eat a massive breakfast you'll be able to eat a bunch for the rest of the day. I gained a little fat around my stomach but thats pretty much guaranteed when your bulking.

The trick to constantly keep gaining weight is consuming more food after gaining more weight, because at the beginning when you start working out your smaller and when you get bigger you've got to supply that extra weight. Meaning you've got to eat that much more food in a day. I'm an ectomorph by the way.

A big part of my weight gain also was that I didn't work out certain muscle groups as often as I used to, Upper body/day off/lower body/day off/dif muscle groups upper body. Which helped me gain a lot of strength as well as size.
BillTheButcher said:
Nice post. I would say 99.9% of the members on this board are bigger then you. Take your soapbox speech to the local highschool.

I still laugh every time I read this.
How I put on 30 pounds in 3 months!!!

Let me start off by saying I’m one of the hardest gainers ever with a very small appetite. I was 6’4” and weighted 185 pounds when I started on a modified dog crap training method with sets. I now weigh 215 pounds. My goal is 240 pounds at 5% body fat. I won’t even tell you what I weighted when I was in high school because none of you would believe me, let alone believe it’s even possible to be that skinny. At my skinniest I was 6’2” and weighted 115 pounds at 16 yrs old. And no you didn’t read that wrong!

So for my training method I do everything to failure with my muscle groups only getting hit 1-2 times per week and I only do 1 exercise per body part like dog crap said to. Make sure to not forget all of your hardcore growth movements, deads, pull-ups, shoulder presses, squats, etc… If your gym has those assisted pull-up/dip machines, those are awesome.

During this 2 year time period I also took a bottle of IGF-1 and put on another couple pounds, nothing spectacular. It didn't seem like I was making any gains with this training method, or anything else I was doing for that matter, but I have never gotten bored with my routine following dog crap’s training method.

I realized that I just wasn’t eating enough calories when da fonz told me in a post awhile back. It’s very hard for me to consume calories. I was honest with myself and realized I was consuming roughly 2,000 calories a day. The biggest problem is everyone thinks that they eat more than they really do. So after I got done with the igf-1, I came to the realization like it’s been said her and everywhere else a million times before, eat eat eat! You’ve gotta eat to grow. The most anabolic gear ever is called food!

So with my focus now dedicated to eating like a mad mofo, I started sucking down 1,300 calories shakes twice a day with flax oil 7 days a week to up my calorie intake to 3,600 calories a day. Needless to say, have you ever heard of the phrase, “with age comes wisdom.” Another words, when someone tells you that food is the most anabolic growth factor ever, you’d better believe them, because I put on 30 pounds in 3 months with no fat gains. This is the only way I can consume enough calories, day in day out, since I have such a small appetite. At the same time I upped my calories, I also decided to take huge amounts of AAKG, CEE, and other supplements from Bulk Nutrition. So I’m assuming the supplements played a role in blowing up the new cells created by igf-1 to maturity. But serioulsy doubt that the igf-1 really contribuited anything to my 30 pound weigh, because from reading other people's post, no one to my knowledge has ever gained more than 2-4 pounds from taking a single bottle of igf-1.

If you don't believe me that I gained 30 pounds in 3 months, go buy some flax oil, or canola oil if money is an issue since it’s so much cheaper.

And follow these exact steps:

1. Go pull out a shaker cup.

2. Pour in 3 ounces of flax oil.

3. Add 75 grams of protein.

4. Add water.

5. Shake it up.

6. Suck it down.

7. Don’t puke.

8. Repeat 2 x a day, 7 days a week.

9. And you’ll grow like a weed.

Now all of you whinny bitches who claim that you can’t gain weight don’t have any more excuses, because I use to be one of you, always complaining that I had a high metabolism, always making excuses why I couldn’t gain weight, always looking for an easy way out. I’m proud to say that I no longer belong to your club. And let me tell you something, there’s not one person on this entire board who can claim to be as skinny as I was at 6’2” 115 pounds. I’m now 215 pounds and I will reach my goal of 240 pounds. Besides, when's the last time you ever herd anyone gaining 30 pounds in 3 months with no gear, no fat gain, and not loosing a pound of it? Another words, shut up and start feeding your skinny face!!!

Yep, pulling out the oldies today, but i gott a good laugh at this shit and thought other might to lmao