How Important is depth on your shots??


I used 25 gauge 1" when I used gear. I used 18 gauge to draw up. Im the same as you shooting right into muscle with no fat in the way.....I always heard you should go deep with a 1-1/2" but I never developed lumps or had leaks........Plus I had anough when I first started and I used the stick that came with the sust redi-jects. That gauge will tear you up after awhile.
no matter if fat or lean, Ive always used 1" 25g for legs and shoulders (or bi/tri)

for glutes ive always used 23g 1.5" cause I got alota junk in the trunk.
I used 25 gauge 1" when I used gear. I used 18 gauge to draw up. Im the same as you shooting right into muscle with no fat in the way.....I always heard you should go deep with a 1-1/2" but I never developed lumps or had leaks........Plus I had anough when I first started and I used the stick that came with the sust redi-jects. That gauge will tear you up after awhile.

When I first started, a long time ago, I used 1.5" pin to inject but at that time I was injecting only in the glutes. Now I can't reach my glutes so I use a 25g x1" as I only inject in the upper region of the body now.
I used those redi-jects too long ago and yes they definitely did tear my ass cheeks up.
1.5" inch depth is pretty much the standard for glute injections, but I think that most people in this community would probably be fine with 1" needles as long as it isn't so shallow that it causes pain in sitting. There has been a lot of recent debate and research in the medical community about whether standard injections depths are sufficient in obese patients, but again, that probably isn't a concern to anyone reading this board. Even if you were to miss the muscle or to go shallow enough to have some leak out of the muscle, it shouldn't be a problem. Steroid hormones are lipid soluble and pharmacodynamics of anything but the shortest esters (or things like TNE) shouldn't be significantly different. Some people here are already doing their injections SC instead of IM, and some doctors supervising HRT therapy are telling patients that SC is fine to do.

As far as hitting the sciatic nerve, that shouldn't be an issue as long as you're injecting into the proper location (the upper, outer quadrant of each glute) and going in at 90 degrees to the skin surface. Please don't try to shoot into any other portion of the glute - if you were to do so, there are several nerves (including the sciatic) that you could hit and damage.
Yes and there was an infamous old funny post were a guy asked if he was doing ok by injecting into the brown spot of his behind.......thats not good
I always use 1.5's whether I'm lean or holding some good fat. I've never gone "too" deep accidentally and I'm not a huge guy.
If your fat you need 1.5inch,but if your lean 1inch more than enough,i do half in shots for delt.When i did compete i did half inch shot for glutes.I ask my doctor and he said if you have very low fat level you don't have to go deep,but you can.
i used 30 guage 1/2 inch, in my bis, tris, and delts, and 1 inch 25 g everywhere else. No problems....
I use 25g 1" everywhere. I used to use 22g 1.5" in my glutes back in the early days of my HRT for a couple of years until I found out there were smaller pins that didn't hurt so much.