how long for primo to kick in??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I know it has a fairly short half life but how long does it take before It starts working/
For me i notice it during the second wk but it's probably gonna be different for eveyone. Some say primo's no good and doesn't do anything for them while others get good results so it's more of an individual thing. How many mgs/wk and are you shooting twice a wk or once? Also what brand is it and are you sure it's real?
When you do primo, you feel like you are natural.

However, there are a few exceptions: Stength, endurance, recovery and size go up--but slowly and incrementally. It is a quality drug best reserved for retention of muscle in bodybuilders who are dieting down and endurance atheletes who must withstand months of gruelling, calorie-draining training sessions for their given sport.

Personally I love the shit because what I do is all endurance based. Stacked with some test, it's good for quality size--but if you want to go that route--don't bother with expensive primo, just go with deca or EQ.

For example, my BMR is about 1880 cals a day, if I just laid down and slept all day--but I am running primo right now at 200mgs/wk.

I got up and swam to near exhaustion for 1/2 hour this morning before breakfast.

I ate, and went to the gym for over 2 1/2 hours. I went hard the whole time. The last 1/2 hour was 30 miutes of high intensity interval training, running on the treadmill. I was drenched--and I mean drenched with sweat.

I have been eating to my BMR every day and training like this 5 days on 1 day off. I am running a daily caloric deficit of about 1,000 cals.

Primobolan is the only steroid that I know of that will still help you retain (and perhaps even gain) muscle nitrogen under such extreme circumstances. I am dropping 2-3 lbs of fat a week without clen or ECA--just pure sweat.

That is what primo is for. You can use it for other pruposes, but there are other drugs that do much better for bulking, strength, etc.

So if you are not dieting down or training as an endruance athelete, there is no real point to taking primo.

I respectfully submit that you should review your goals and decide if primobolan is the drug for you.


Im at 300 a week for a cutting cycle. Short one that is with keto diet. I just didn't want to lose tons of muscle and thought 300mgs cut in half over the week would help. Thanks
could go for descending cycle, I dgi this one 5 weeks cutter:

these doses are per week over 5 weeks

200 + 50mg winstrol eod
100 + 50mg winstrol ed

That works like a charm and is cheap. It's hard for me to say what works for the big dudes, but me, being an athletic/fitness/endurance type...I work out 3-4 hours a day on that one. last two weeks in 3-4 hours a day every need for clen and eca if you got the cardio gift like me--but then again--I don't have the size gift.

Peace to ya too

I get lots of cario at work. I don't have the size gift either, but im the endurance type too. Use to run cross country.
what do you do for work? I do a few things but I used to run around bombing freight on a loading dock and now i've got a part-time stint in the infantry. I do a lot of mountaineering, hiking, and swimming in the mountians around here.

There aren't many of us type 3 muscle fibre guys on this board. It is hard to get big huh? But fuck, we can eat one powerbar and run for 8 hours straight!

I'm cutting up right now on straight primo, not even eca. I'm doing cardio 2* a day for a total of about 1.5 to 2 hours. Hard stuff too, swimming, HIIT training. I pounded the iron today too for 1.5 hours. Even with a 600 daliy cal deficit, I would say it was easy. My rest day was yesterday. Rest day was just one hour of fast hiking in the mountains, altitude change about 2000 feet. A steep one! Coool down was wlking down the same trail.

Its weird huh? I know you know what its like but the shit we can pull boggles the big boys minds...but size is so elusive for us....

BTW, primo is SO GOLD. If this is your first try, go ahead and run your body into the ground with cardio. It won't matter.

Pax to all

fucking great i am definilty hitting primo in my next cycle. i was thinking of doing 200mgs of primo for 25weeks when i finish this cycle. can someone tell me how much does Primo suppress HTPA.