How many hours of sleep are needed to build muscle?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
What do you guys think? Is 6 enough to build good quality muscle? Been working more and not having enough time to get a full 8 in at all. ONly way i could pull that off is if i skipped training.
Everyone is very different as far as that. I need 8 or I'm physically sick then a 1 hour nap after. If I have no demands on my time I may sleep 12 hours with 2 - 3 food breaks in between. My brother is ready to rock on 4 hours and he's a beast.
I just saw something on tv last night about this... they said between 6-8 is ideal. But like Dude said, everyone is different. I've been doing ok with 4-5, but my mood has been effected. If I can get a solid 8, I'm the nicest guy with the best attitude, because I feel good. If I get 10-12, I feel like I can take on the world.
I just saw something on tv last night about this... they said between 6-8 is ideal. But like Dude said, everyone is different. I've been doing ok with 4-5, but my mood has been effected. If I can get a solid 8, I'm the nicest guy with the best attitude, because I feel good. If I get 10-12, I feel like I can take on the world.

That's weird. The only people I know that can do it are Marines. Maybe you're getting soft in your old age. My brother is 5'5 maybe 170 and can throw around the 110's on incline for 12 after 2 hours of sleep in 24 hours. I would think that 6 would be mandatory b/c you have to get 4 of REM sleep for real muscle growth.
That's weird. The only people I know that can do it are Marines. Maybe you're getting soft in your old age. My brother is 5'5 maybe 170 and can throw around the 110's on incline for 12 after 2 hours of sleep in 24 hours. I would think that 6 would be mandatory b/c you have to get 4 of REM sleep for real muscle growth.

There have been many days where I've run strong on little to no sleep. Hell, about two weeks ago I was in the gym, and hadn't slept for 36hours. I still busted through the workout, but when I crashed, I crashed hard. I can't even begin to tell you how many 24-36 hour shifts I've pulled in my day. I remember coming into work, getting briefed for 3 hours, driving 12 hours to do a job, did the job that took about 6 hours to finish, then drove back another 12 hours. When we stopped for fuel, I would sleep while my vehicle was being topped off. I would shut the engine off, wedge my elbow in the steering wheel, and be dreaming before my right-seat woke me saying we're full, time to roll out. I would do the same at red lights, and be dreaming before the light turned green. Funny how a 2 minute power nap can keep you going for hours.
There have been many days where I've run strong on little to no sleep. Hell, about two weeks ago I was in the gym, and hadn't slept for 36hours. I still busted through the workout, but when I crashed, I crashed hard. I can't even begin to tell you how many 24-36 hour shifts I've pulled in my day. I remember coming into work, getting briefed for 3 hours, driving 12 hours to do a job, did the job that took about 6 hours to finish, then drove back another 12 hours. When we stopped for fuel, I would sleep while my vehicle was being topped off. I would shut the engine off, wedge my elbow in the steering wheel, and be dreaming before my right-seat woke me saying we're full, time to roll out. I would do the same at red lights, and be dreaming before the light turned green. Funny how a 2 minute power nap can keep you going for hours.

I can't do anything like that. I guess I'm frail. If I don't get 8 hours of sleep usually I won't go to work!! I would think that what you can function on and what is needed for muscle growth would be different. It would be nice to be able to function on such little sleep sometimes.
I can't do anything like that. I guess I'm frail. If I don't get 8 hours of sleep usually I won't go to work!! I would think that what you can function on and what is needed for muscle growth would be different. It would be nice to be able to function on such little sleep sometimes.
You learn how to do it.
I usually get 6 or 7 during the week but I make up for it on the weekend. This past Saturday night I fell asleep on the couch around 10pm, later moved to the bed and didn't wake up until 12:15pm Sunday. 14+ hours of sleep and it felt awesome!!
^ ^ ^ That's about the same with me. I make up for it on weekends, too. If I could get a solid 8 on weekdays, I probably wouldn't have to do that. Every now and then however, your body just needs to sleep like that, happens naturally.
Thanks guys I got 6 today just got up so better then yesterday. Gonna try to start getting 7 if possible just alot of shit going on.