How many hours of sleep do you get a night???


New member
We all know sleep is very important for us to build muscle and sculpt our physiques. So I am wondering on average how much sleep you get a night.......

During the week I usually get around 7 hours sleep.

During the weekend it is usually different depending on what I have going on that weekend. Sometimes I will get 9 hours.... sometimes I will get like 5...... Obviously the latter is no good, and I should try to avoid that happening.....
Usually I get 7 hours on a good night.. 6 hours once in a while.
Seems to be enough for me..I get up at 3am and go wide open all day long..till around 8 or 9 anyway!
I've been only getting 4 to 5 of reg sleep the rest is toss and turning. I think from being on the shit it keeps me up so I can't sleep so I just clean the house.
I get a maximum of 6 hours per night. Ocaasionally I will get a nap in the afternoon for 30 minutes.
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