How many of you have ink


New member
who has tattoos and would you do it again if you could choose over? I'm thinking about it but not till I hit my arm goal don't want it all streched out.
I have 3 tattoos and 3 piercings and I am going to get a full back piece as soon as I can afford the first session and yes it is worth it but don't be stupid ang get something off the wall (of the tatoo parlor) get something that means something to you but only my .02cts
got one on each arm and one on my back. Got the ones on arms when I was 18 and 19 now and the back around 29 am 36now . Arms are definately bigger but they still look great. Would do it again and had someone draw me a dragon to face and fight the other one I have on my arm now. that will be the next one Love them :)
Me and I wish I had more money to throw at it... LOL By the time I'm done, I'll have sleaves
I don't have any, and have never really been tempted. If I ever did do anything, which I probably won't, it'd probably be something small.
I have a few (both arms sleeved, large back piece and R. leg sleeved from the knee down) and I continue to enjoy every one of them.

Just take your time to figure out what you want, then take even longer to find a artist.

Once you have found an artist; explain what you are looking for.
If they tell you that they can do it right now, go somewhere else(there is a reason that they are not busy). I usually have to make my appointments 2 weeks before.

Do not drink or take anything that will thin your blood before getting your work done, this will cause too much bleeding which can push that hard earned ink out of the skin.

And enjoy :D
basskiller said:
Me and I wish I had more money to throw at it... LOL By the time I'm done, I'll have sleaves

me and I? So does that mean singular or plural? :D Is the me part the side that asks the questions and the I is the side that responds? j/k bass
I think he's horning in on my skitzo thing.
Got an excellent ink man just have to find the theme and have to wait till my arms are as big as LaMasta's head oooopppps I meant arm ofcoarse
Got 4. my fav is my neck piece. Im waiting to get my back right to get the back done. No I dont regret any of them. What ironic is the fact that I have a steer skull that I got way before I found out about Fina. :D
"me" answers the question asked. and the rest of the statement states how I feel about it..
At most, there should be a comma after the word "Me".

Now go back to school.

JettLagged said:

me and I? So does that mean singular or plural? :D Is the me part the side that asks the questions and the I is the side that responds? j/k bass
The last time I got one,I got it inside my lip because I didn't want anything else on my body.I have another on my arm that,sometimes,I wish wasn't there.