How much cardio?


New member
How much cardio, if any, do you do while on a bulking cycle? I'm not talking about bust ass cardio, just enough to keep the ticker moving. Walking on the treadmill or light cycling?
I do 30 at least 5-6 days a week. walk on treadmill or ride bike if my lower back or shins cramp. i feel it helps to have some wind on those heavy sets of squats and deads. I dont feel it hinders my bulking. It helps my appetite in the morn. too. note: I dont have any trouble gaing weight. I can get up to 250lb doing this much cardio.
IF I do cardio while bulking it's only 10-15 minutes 3 times a week. Just to work the heart a little bit without burning excessive calories.
30-40 mins , low intensity , just a walk around the neighbourhood really , 4-5 times a week all thro out the year . done this for the past 2.5 yrs .
I think cardio can only help you during a bulking cycle. Often you get a bloated feeling and short of breath very easily. You get tired walking up stairs or getting dressed. I agree with kr and rayb about not doing too much and keeping it at low intensity.
Cardio: You need to do at least 15 minutes for a proper response to aerobic activity. During the anticipatory phase your heart rate will increase and blood vessels will dialate, then the steady phase kicks in allowing your heart rate to stabilize and muscles to become more efficient in O2 exchange, and last the final phase where blood is shunted to the muscles for increased endurance...this is when you sweat and your muscles become even more efficient. For bulking cycles or any other cycle... cardio needs to be incorporated!