How much do you curl(STRICT FORM) for biceps?


New member
My arms are kinda stuck at 18 1/2' for a while now--I need to tweak up my bicep work--I usually just do 2 exercises for them--2x every 9 days--ez bar and hammers--i,m curling 90 to 100 lbs 2 sets 8 reps--but i cheat aliitle--I,m thinking that i need to really reduce the weight and feel the bicep and stop worrying about the amount of weight.But reducing weight always makes me fel like I,m losing something.--what do you guys do?
if you want to grow do some forced reps, get someone to help you do barbell curls. also try adding a 21's routine once a month. try resting them a week. anything different to shock growth out of the muscle.
Preachers off the back (the Flat 90 degree part) with a traight bar are really good for working the biceps. You can tri BB-0 Curls against a pole or wall too keeps the cheating out.
I have experienced tremendous results this year by changing how I train biceps. I train them as frequently as possible. That usually means once every 3-4 days. I can get away with this frequency because I only use 1-2 all-out balls-to-the-wall sets (obviously, not including warm-ups).

I religiously use a 3-4 second negative on every rep. The eccentric phase is really important, probably even more important on smaller muscle groups than the big ones. I also use rest-pauses in all of the working sets. You can move really heavy weight and still hit a solid rep range (I like the 15-20 range).

Lastly, I make sure to either beat my weight or rep count from the previous workout. This is very important. Because, all things held equal (& discounting CNS adaptation, etc.), if you're getting stronger, you're getting bigger. You're forcing your muscles to adapt to the greater load. Do this consistently year after year, and I guarantee you'll be carrying a larger musculature.

My favorite biceps exercises are dumbell preacher curls, incline db curls, spyders, and to some extent standing curls (bb & db). I rotate all of these exercises to prevent monotonous training and make it humanly possible to beat the numbers on a consistent basis, LOL.

On Saturday, I preacher curled the 65 for 14 (8-4-2) with a consistent 3-4 sec. negative. That's pretty friggin' heavy. All I needed was one set and my bi's were destroyed. They're still a bit sore today.
If you are eating enough and getting enough protein try Lee Priests method of 20 sets for bi's and 20 sets for tri's, I went fom 18 to 19 inches in 3 months, and like I said don't worry about over traing if you eat and rest enough. Good Luck
2 words! straight bar! thumbs out dont wrap them and watch em grow like never before, everyone is different and responds different but i think straight bar curls with thumbs out should be in everyones regimen!
I like doing spider curls on the back side of the preacher bar... time to switch things up again and hit the straight bar curls some more! :D
I'm a straight bar man-slow perfect form-also I found that I got the best results with an arm day-so my split is back and chest-hams,calves,abs-off-arms and abs,shoulders and quads-off,off
rippedchef said:
I'm a straight bar man-slow perfect form-also I found that I got the best results with an arm day-so my split is back and chest-hams,calves,abs-off-arms and abs,shoulders and quads-off,off

i know this is a bicep thread but i had to mention to those reading that splitting up legs with quads one day and hammys anohter is the only way to fly in my opinion, good shit, i know to some this info is old but we have alot of newbies to the site and to the sport itself so i thought i would throw this out there

and body2see if i were you i would use light to medium heavy weight and do absolutly slow perfect form, the arm in my opinion are actualy the only body part that will respond by growing using light to medium heay weight in slow controled movements, make that weight feel ten times as heavy using perfet form, for example if you can use 60lb dumbells for bicep curls with decent form then try to use 35-45lb dumbells using absolutly perfect for and go until failure! failure and form are the key to maximum growth on the biceps using this amount of weight, and remember to go to failure, i do this with every single body part! I mean i go to failure with everything not use light weight with everything but biceps you can do this and im telling you it works great bro! try it and see
My biceps absolutely suck, but I have noticed that they're getting considerably smaller when I stick with STRAIGHT barbell curls, cambered bar preacher curls and standing hammer curls
hmm had to capitalize and emphasize the "straight bar" lol its all good, and just my opinion but i think ur robbing urself if u dont do them
Well, they DID bother my wrists at first..... but once I got used to it, I think I can curl more with the straight bar than I can with a cambered one....

Here's a question though....a couple of guys at my gym will occasionally do SHITTY reps (sorry guys, they ARE) with 225 on the straight bar. I know cheating every once in a while can help you break through a plateau, but these reps are damn near nonexistant
I think its like any other part-ain't gonna grow until you make that mind-muscle connection-where you forget about how much is lifted and whos watching and how big my arms are and boy shes hot and .......-and then finally connect your brain to the contraction and feel the contraction moving the weight-nothing else in the room-just me,the bar,the contraction and the pain-this my friend is the growth zone!!!
got to go with presser on this...straight bar. been doing ezcurls now for a while and it's just not the same.....
WeirdAl said:
I like doing spider curls on the back side of the preacher bar... time to switch things up again and hit the straight bar curls some more! :D

One of my favorites as well..................If one more person comes up and says', UHh, I think that is backwards" Ahhhhhhhhhhhh