how much does nutrition really matter?


New member
i have been at the iron game for about 5 yrs now and more and more im starting to realize that nutrition is not as imporant to getting big as most people make it seem. i think hard training and rest are the most imporant. what do yall think?
mexikaz said:
i have been at the iron game for about 5 yrs now and more and more im starting to realize that nutrition is not as imporant to getting big as most people make it seem. i think hard training and rest are the most imporant. what do yall think?

ok so let me ask you- you drive a car - how important is it to put gas in it to go?
Pretty important I would think.. Same goes for your body. Why would you not think diet was not important... just curious...
do you mean not important as in eating fast food every couple of days or just eating crap all of the time or not enough food?

I believe unless you're trying to get to a very low bf level or if you have a hard time losing fat then eating clean all of the time isn't necessary...but what's really important is making sure you eat enough calories and protein to support new muscle.

I believe diet is 60% of the battle as long as training is good.
I agree. its like paying 50 workers to build a house but not giving them any bricks. your body needs fuel and food is it.
It depends what your trying to attain. I spent 10 years eating whatever and gained muscle and strength so diet wasn't important, of course I didn't pay attention to BF%. the last 5 years I 've been conscience of looking good, so now I'd say diet is extremely important
I think it depends on body type and your goals. If your just looking to bulk period I think you would be fine eatling lots of cals and protein and not worrying about anything else. If you want to put on lean mass only or cut I think proper nutrition is much more important. I notice much better results with a good macro break down vs. a junk bulker (more lean muscle gains, less fat gains).
Diet and nutrition is to me the the first thing that should be reconized. It is the key to healthy exercise and workout. All elements combined,Workout,diet,rest nutrition,creates a synergy effect that the body will respond to with best results.
Some people have incredible genetics and they are the exception to the rule. They can eat whatever and whenever they want and still look great. Nutrition is only a small part of their success if you want to call it success. I hate those people!

For those with average genetics, I believe that diet and nutrition are the most important part of reaching your goals.
im very lucky in that i have a good matabalism. i can eat juck food all day and not gain a pound! so for me i eat what ever and only worry about cals. and protin.
you are what you eat. a good diet is the most important part in gaining muscle mass.
Without the proper building materials you can't build anything. Granted some people have genetics that allow them to eat things like a bowl fruit loops, soda, sandwiches and an occasional protein shake and grow like somebody who ate like a pro and trained their asses off.

It all has to do with metabolism, differing levels of hormones (test, GH, insulin, etc), and things like insulin sensitivity or amounts of androgen receptors. The list goes on and on but many things play a role in the ability to build muscle tissue and/or store fat.

Even if you have great genetics though, just think of how much faster you would grow if you took the necessary time and ate as well as you could.
In my opinion nutrition is the most important aspect for me. Im not blessed genetically. I gain weight thinking about chocolate cake. If I don't eat 2 grams protein per pound bw a day I don't see much in the gains department. Bulking you can throw in some garbage but if you are leaning out I think your diet is the significant aspect of your program.
Re: Re: how much does nutrition really matter?

mmx2 said:
ok so let me ask you- you drive a car - how important is it to put gas in it to go?
Pretty important I would think.. Same goes for your body. Why would you not think diet was not important... just curious...

hell yeah bro.....great analogy
nutrition is the main key to all this. with rest, workouts, and supps following. for me at least. how many people do you see busting their ass but only getting a fraction of results that they could be getting because their nutrition is lacking?

Let me put it this way...they are improtant in this order:

1. Rest
2. Diet
3. Training
4. Cycle

Notice which one is last!?! Brother, it is very important what you is the building blocks for everything is like this.

All of this things must be on point to get the most out of your training. That is why it takes years and years to perfect your body. Most of us has been at this game for 10, 15, 20 years and still tweaking our training regimen. Fitness is a lifelong pursuit that will help you live a fuller life and more productive one...

Goodluck and Godspeed...