How much fast food do you eat?

I try to limit McDonalds and Chik Fil A to 2 - 3 times a week, but a lot of times the stuff I get really isn't that bad other than the fries. At Chik Fil A obviously I have chicken, but I also usually stick to grilled chicken at McDonalds. I also eat pizza and stromboli's from a really good pizza place in town a few times a week, but IMO that's just high calorie good real food. My diet is much healthier now then it was. I just eat more food and more frequently. I usually don't go more than 45 minutes without eating something except at night.
I do subway or chipotle only on the once a month or two

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I agree with Dude. I also love Chipotle, I got a burrito there tonight actually, and they had this offer on the iPhone, and I ended up getting a free burrito which was pretty awesome.

I don't really eat the traditional fast food as in fries burger shake and whatnot. I'll maybe have that at In-N-Out maybe once a month at most.

I think high calorie food like that is very important though, especially when cutting, since you tend to hit metabolic plateaus that need a little push to get through, and this kind of food seems to do the job
I have a fast Metabo , so I can eat it whenever I want , but....the nutritional value and after watching movies like "Food Inc" , I won't support those dirty bastards food!!
off season 4-5 times a week....usually mcD's breakfast skillet burritos or egg mcmuffin with tomato.......dinner it's taco hell dollar menu.....precontest i eat what i want twice a week....usually on the weekend as a refeed
I like to eat at Quiznos a lot, probably too much, but they have awesome subs, and I need the calories.
Quiznos prime rib peppercorn ohhhh my. Love it. I have actually stopped anything like mcd's or Bk. I eat chick fil a occasionally and get the grilled usually. My metabolism sucks so eliminating fast food and cokes has been the best thing Ive ever done.