How much is TOO much (exercise)


MuscleChemistry Guru
when not prepiong for a contest

how many days a week does everyone work out ?

where do you draw the line betweekn healthy and obsessed?
5 days a week, 2 hrs a day
I have however noticed that I cant seem to gain any more weight... I have been at 235 for a bout a month now.
I suspect excessive training may be the cause and it was recommended to me that I reduce my training days to 3 instead of 5
I know I have obsession issues. I don't stare at the mirror or anything, but I do train 6 days a week. Like my other post said I stay around 45 minutes for cortisol issues. I also need to mention that I have hypothyroidism and my metabolism sucks royally so for me to stay at a maintenance weight I eat about 2500 calories with all the exercise to not gain weight. I weigh 238 right now and am on a cutter of 350 prop and just started var at 50mgs two days ago for the last couple weeks of the cutter.
5-6... sometimes 7, if I have no life and don't feel like staying home.

"Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated"!
5-6... sometimes 7, if I have no life and don't feel like staying home.

"Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated"!

:) I like that quote.

As for too much, I just try to listen to my body. I was hitting it hard 5 days a week for a while and it was taking its toll. Now I have cut back to 3 days a week and my body is enjoying the extra rest. Maybe I will go back to a 5 day split but for right now 3 is good. I think too much is when it starts to get to the point where your workouts suffer because you haven't fully recovered or don't have the energy to give it 110%.
5 days a week, 2 hrs a day
I have however noticed that I cant seem to gain any more weight... I have been at 235 for a bout a month now.
I suspect excessive training may be the cause and it was recommended to me that I reduce my training days to 3 instead of 5

Only a month, huh? Lol, try 200 for 9 months.
ON gear you ca afford to obsess and overtrain but when going at it naturally overtraining leads to fatigue and other ailments....I'll make a post to clarify evertraining as defined by the american college of sports medecine.
I like to step over into overtraining every now and then. Im doing it now and have been since last week. I feel it keeps my muscles full and tight, yet i do feel very tired and worn out but i just keep going. will only do it for two weeks. I quess i just like to break down all the way and watch my body responed afterwards. which is good. Here is what I have been doing as of last week and will also do this in the offseason as well.

Sunday: no lifting, cardio 1 hr 45min
Monday: Hamstrings, chest, Legs, Back, calves, cardio 1 hr 45 min
Tuesday: Triceps, Abs, cardio 1 hr 45 min
Wednesday: Chest, Legs, Beack, Calves, Traps cardio 1 hr 45 min
Thursday: Biceps, Abs, cardio 1 hr 45 min
Friday: Chest, Legs, Back, Calves, cardio 1 hr 45 min
Saturday: Shoulders, Abs, Traps, cardio 1 hr 45 min

I go to the gym twice a day.
NukNuk I actually agree with that , your body has to adapt , you have to push it to its limits sometimes to raise the bar on your potential.

I dont do it , Im barely working out now , but just trying to get everything setup. But overtraining I say is a plateau buster. Me , I try to push hard but not to overtraining , but if im not having any results and im dedicated I will push myself to overtrain then take a break to recover and normally it helps.

some people say if you dont switch up anything and just take a short break and then come back to training you'll continue having gains. Well you cant be sure if you just need a break or if your already overtraining if your pushing hard. By how I feel with my body if im eating enough. Which I always try to do when training. But whenever I feel in a rut , I like to try to break myself , eat tremendously , while I rest and take a break... Then my body is still recovering itself and says hes not training as much as he used to.. and lets its guard down , and then I go back in with normal high intensity.

I dont like to take rests for the body to adapt without pushing to overtraining limits , because I feel that extra rest can be optimized by having more damage to recover while resting.

Of course I havent really training for about a year like regularly every time I start to things get in the way. But I believe in the principle. Ive gone up in jumps on my lifts , in short amounts of time due to this... 15lbs in 3 days on bench , 35lbs in a week , 25lbs in squat in a few days , and thats just naming some of my gains.

The are the gains im mentioning that I can name right off the top of my head from pushing hard and resting. While having nothing but food and protein , some of them creatine was involved , some it wasnt. But they were all from new gains not muscle memory.

I havent taken creatine for a long time for whenever I get back into the groove the EGO part spools up. But so I contribute those gains to overtraining and rest , and while resting raising calories hugely from already high amounts.
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