How much oil per muscle group?


Active member
Ok, just curious. I know there are howtodoshots.blah websites...

but generally speaking, how many cc's typically go into which muscle groups, and what would you recommend for pin sizes for it too... hell let's even put rotation times too if ya can? obviously when talking about right/left side 1st and 4th day are in reference to the SAME quad etc..


glutes 23g 1.5" 3cc's 4days
quads 23g 1" 2cc's
delts 23/25g 1" or 5/8" 1.5cc's 4days

these are all oil based and IM not SC never did much else, but i try to have a minimum 4days rotation if i gotta be a pincushion..

if you follow my example i'd love to hear other shot locations, amounts, pin size etc...
Synthetine and Synthelene - I'm rotating glutes, quads and delts but I'm shooting 4 shots of 3cc's each so I need to hit 2 sites both sides per day. Been doing it for the past 2 weeks but took the last 2 days off to give my ass and quads a rest. Way too many shots!
what about 1 shot eod rotating glutes? is that too much? should i switch to quads too?
h8tr3d said:
what about 1 shot eod rotating glutes? is that too much? should i switch to quads too?

if you hit a spot more than once per week, then I would find more spots.
I did 1.7ccs in a shoulder once... I think I have large shoulders, it was a BAD idea that muscle doent like to hold that much oil, I had a knot for 2 weeks.
Quads 23G/25G 1" 3CC
Glute 23G/25G 1 1/2" 3CC
Delt 25G 1" 2CC
Chest 25G 1" 1.5CC
Triceps 25G 1" or 5/8" 1CC
Bicep 25G 1" or 5/8" 1CC

Thats about all I'v done Of course Chest bi's and tri's shots depend on your size
If there smalle-medium 5/8" large 1" but volume can stat the same.
I have NEVER got an Abses nots or pain lasting longer then a day or too.
I try and shoot as deep in the miscle I can, Leave the pin in for a good 15sec after the injection is finished, take the pin out slowly and massage the area for a good 5 min.

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shoulders ive done 2.5 but was pretty sore id stay at 2cc's
glutes as much as you can get in there lol once a week on everything as far as im concerned i try not to pack on the scarring.
quads up to 2 but first time you wont wanna walk the next day thats for sure.
never done bi's tri's or chest.
ventroglutial not many people do it there but ive personally put 3cc's there without much pain at all it has been said it can take up to 5 but i dont think i would do it.
- I've done two seperate 3cc injections(6cc) into each glute with no problems
- 3cc's in quads and delts
- never did anything other slin pins in bi's, tri's, calves and pecs
slin pins are 25g right? .. or 28g? ... i forget.. and do you buy seperate tips and switch them after you load the dart? I can only imagine drawing oil through a slin pin tip (and most don't change that i've seen) so I'm curious how long it takes to draw an entire cc, and how rubber stoppers dull the tips..