How much prop would you frontload and how long


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
If you were running some sust 325 or 250. I am very impatient and am just wondering how long you would front load with a fast acting esther until the slower acting esthers in sust kick in?
if im running something like sust.and its a good brand...I normally would feel it by the end of the week...libido, some strengh gains, just more overall power during workouts...(by the 7th-10th day)...I dont know if I would add in more prop. with the get it kicked in...but I could see it working to hit you in the next few days if you put in 100mg to 200mg the first really kick it off
I am the same way when running sust....very impatient. I usually run 100mg of prop EOD for the first 2 or 3 weeks to kick things off quickly.
that test e should take less than 2 weeks to hit you. Id just do maybe 300mgs of prop the first 2 weeks. maby tapper off the second week. You dont want to spike then drop...meaning, keep the mgs the same. test e> or =prop.
Personally I would front load with drol or d bol for the first week or two, till the test started to kick in, but thats just me. A fast acting test wont give you immediate strength gains like the orals will. Plus D bol is so cheap these days at 10mg that it would be an easy choice for me. Oh well, just throwing that out there.

Big JC
i personally only frontload prop 100mg eod for the first 20 days (if i'm not running an oral) when i run test cyp, sust, or enanthate
If you were running some sust 325 or 250. I am very impatient and am just wondering how long you would front load with a fast acting esther until the slower acting esthers in sust kick in?

why not just use the sust every day or every other day until the long esthers kick in, the 2 short chains from the sust should be plenty if you use it ed or eod until the long test esthers kick in, no need to use prop at all, unless u dont have enough sust , then yeah i would jam say 100mg eod of prop for the first 3 weeks
I was thinking 2 or 3. I dont have anything yet but if you run the sust Presser wouldn't you have a crap load of concentration for a couple weeks when the long esthers kick in. Im just curious. I have read several protocols for sus over the years. Thanks for the comments guys. I have never ran dbol or drol in the past because I worry about bp. My bp is great right now but it is a thought.
That's the reason sust can be hard to work with since it has four different esters. If I was impatient, I would use prop for 2-3 weeks to frontload since dbol doesn't normally do a lot for me.