How much protein do you consume daily?

I think 2g/lb is a total waste. I try to get 40 per meal, but I have been experimenting with lower and have found that it makes no difference. I will say this though, if you want to get the most use out of protein, eat whole food with a long half life and don't rely on whey shakes that only stick around 2 hours or so.
I think 2g/lb is a total waste. I try to get 40 per meal, but I have been experimenting with lower and have found that it makes no difference. I will say this though, if you want to get the most use out of protein, eat whole food with a long half life and don't rely on whey shakes that only stick around 2 hours or so.

I agree 2lbs is waste. I only go one shake a day and the rest is from food. I try and get 250 -300 grams a day. But I'm at point in my life where I'm not trying to get bigger just trying to keep wat I have.
today it was probably 300 when im in strength training mode I eat like a beast. today right after training I had 35g whey isolates then I went to my friends Mexican restaurant and ate 5 steak tacos with black beans and rice 2 hours later had a 30g protein bar. about to go eat a spoon full of natty peanut butter and drink 30g of casein protein
About 4-5 solid meals, 2 liquid. Approx 50 grams protein per meal. I do believe in maintaining positive alkaline balance tho. So I drink close to 2 gallons of water, veggies in every meal and other supplements to offset the ph from so much meat.
If you are acidic, you ain't growing.