How much test in your yearly TRT program?

Iron Game

Gold Member
What dose of test do you use weekly for TRT or HRT? Where do you bump it to when ON cycle?
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​Prescribed 200mg cyp a week....but I stockpile it while I cycle and end up running 250-300mg/week while cruising.
been cruising on 200 mg week test c for 10 weeks fixing to blast with 1,000 mg of test e a week for 10 to 15 weeks depending on how I feel just got bloods done and everything is normal so ready to blast away....
I'm on 400mg/week, no joke. My doc really put me on that. When I blast on, I go to 700-1,000gm/week if I can. As you can imagine however, the blasts don't happen too often since I don't really need it.
I usually cruise on 20mg test p per day. Sometimes it may be 75mg test e twice weekly. It varies but I never go above 200mg per week. Problem is I cruise about 8 weeks a year :D
I usually cruise on 20mg test p per day. Sometimes it may be 75mg test e twice weekly. It varies but I never go above 200mg per week. Problem is I cruise about 8 weeks a year :D

lol, yeah that seems to be everyones problem lmao