how often do you do abs


MuscleChemistry Guru
i try to do them everyother day if i remember, lol

quick 15-20 minute routine of leg raises, weighted cable crunches, and regular crunches.

how often do you guys do them, and what routines are ya doin?
Maybe once a month in the off season. For 5 minutes pre cardio when I'm getting ready for a show.
Every so often off season and 3-4 times a week when I'm dieting down. I have tried to do them before everything now cause by the end of my workout, I wantto skip em
prolly once every other week and I do it on a declined bench 3 sets of 30, im horrible w/ staying on top of my abs
I hardly ever do them, but I enjoy doing them once I start. I just don't really focus on them like I should
1X a week...I use the hanging ab straps..4-6 hard sets of a combo of "L's" and knee raise...COOKS them..Im sore from my chest to my wang the next day:D
1X a week...I use the hanging ab straps..4-6 hard sets of a combo of "L's" and knee raise...COOKS them..Im sore from my chest to my wang the next day:D

I like those but havent used them in a while
Hahahaha, I didn't read what you were quoting. I though you were talking about your abs.
lol either way haha Im so lazy when it comes to abs and its a shame bc it makes ur chest look alot bigger when ur stomach is more cut