How to Get Bigger Triceps With Dumbbells


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Jun 14, 2011 | By Kevin Rail
Kevin Rail has worked in the fitness industry since 2001 and has been writing since 2004. He has professional experience as a certified personal trainer, wellness coach, motivational engineer and freelance fitness writer. He currently writes a monthly column for Ron Jones High-Performance Health. Rail has a bachelor's degree in sports management: fitness and wellness from California University of Pennsylvania.


<ARTICLE id=article class=subSection><FIGURE style="WIDTH: 267px">
<FIGCAPTION class=caption rel="license">Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images </FIGCAPTION></FIGURE><!-- google_ad_section_start --><SECTION class=section>Dumbbells range in weight from 1 to over 100 lbs. To get bigger triceps, you most likely will not need the triple-digit sizes. What you do need is a solid game plan that involves elbow extension. This anatomical motion takes place when you bend your elbow and straighten your arm. Although this sounds basic, you still need to pay strict attention to form to maximize your muscle gains.
</SECTION><SECTION class=section><SECTION class="subSection step flc">Step 1

Use a heavy resistance with your exercises to ensure that you fully tax your triceps. Aim for a resistance that you can lift only eight to 12 times with good form. Perform four or five sets of each exercise and take two days off between workouts.
</SECTION>Create an Exercise Plan Build a Custom Plan Here Based on Your Goals and Favorite Activities.
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<SECTION class="subSection step flc">Step 2

Perform triceps bench presses. Lie face-up on a flat weight bench while holding the dumbbells right above your chest with your elbows bent and palms facing each other. Push the weights straight into the air until your elbows are just short of locking out. Lower the weights back down slowly and repeat.
</SECTION><SECTION class="subSection step flc">Step 3

Sit on a workout chair to do overhead triceps extensions. Hold the inside of one dumbbell above your head with your hands overlapping. Keep your upper arms still and close to your ears as you bend your elbows and lower the weight behind your head. Push the weight back up in a steady motion and repeat.
</SECTION><SECTION class="subSection step flc">Step 4

Move two weight benches parallel to each other to do dips. Sit on one bench and rest a dumbbell across your thighs. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on one bench and place your heels up on the other bench. Slide your butt forward and lower yourself by bending your elbows. Stop when your upper arms parallel the floor, push yourself back up and repeat.
</SECTION><SECTION class="subSection step flc">Step 5

Lie face-up on a decline bench to do triceps extensions. Hook your feet under the padded support brace and hold the dumbbells straight above your body with your palms facing each other. Keep your upper arms still as you bend your elbows and lower the weights down by your ears. Push the dumbbells back up and repeat.
</SECTION><SECTION class="subSection step flc">Step 6

Kneel on a weight bench to do triceps kickbacks. Place your right knee and hand on the bench, and place your left foot flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and raise it up by your side with your elbow bent 90 degrees. Keep your upper arm still as you push the weight straight behind your body. Hold for a second and slowly lower the weight back down. Repeat for a set of reps and switch sides

Read more: How To Get Bigger Triceps With Dumbbells | LIVESTRONG.COM
tris are a weird muscle and mine dont grow distally so I will look at anything different from what I do to try, so it could benefit someone
I understand man, mine use to not grow at all, but they've been growing nicely since I started using IGF
I have never had an issue with my tri's. Just good form and heavy seemed to do the trick for me... But I also switch up tri exercises all the time so i don't usually go 2-3 weeks doing the same exercise
my distal tris never come in no matter hat I do, proven how hard I pushed my tris was my tendon tear while doing skull chrushers
Tell me about distal tris, Metal. Not sure what part that is. Of the two heads of the horseshoe, the one closer to my side seems to be growing much faster than the head that is more visible.
Triceps are one of my best parts so I dont know if its my techniques or just genetics. I hit tri/bi together and notice a HUGE difference if you do them alone and do not combine with a major muscle. It allows you to go heavier on all the exercises. Are you doing them alone or with another part??