How was everyone's holiday?


Gold Member
I forgot to ask yesterday, but how was everyone's weekend? If you did something fun, lets hear it!!!

I didn't do too much....My parents had a BBQ/Party Saturday so I went there and had a few beers and food. We had chicken, pork roast, tri-tip, homemade baked beans, potato salad, pasta salad, macaroni salad, 7 layer dip, spinich dipfruit salad, not to mentin desert. I had a ton of fun and it was fun kicking back a couple of beers with my dad. I must tell ya though my parents friends party harder then I do (at their age, between 35-50! was quite surprised.

Then I just relaxed and had a nice BBQ Sunday with some friends.
Ha....great holiday...we sat through Hurricane Frances..with no power for 12 hours and tons of flooding. It sucked! :D HURRICANE PARTY! Now Ivan is coming up the coast...maybe it will head to Texas...
Missfit said:
Ha....great holiday...we sat through Hurricane Frances..with no power for 12 hours and tons of flooding. It sucked! :D HURRICANE PARTY! Now Ivan is coming up the coast...maybe it will head to Texas...

Actually it can stay away from Texas- I believe we are going to get heavy rains from Ivan so that should be fun.
My weekend was pretty cool but not very eventfull. All this bad weather sucks for you guys, I'm glad your all safe so far though,thank god.and I pray you all remain safe.
mmx2 said:
Actually it can stay away from Texas- I believe we are going to get heavy rains from Ivan so that should be fun.

I think I jinxed myself....we are gonna get hit pretty bad :(
It was me and my girls 1 year going out anniversary, on the 6th I got her a small diamond ring but I was way sick, I've been sick for like a few weeks now and with no med insurance I'm screwed. Totyally killed my cycle, setme way way back on my goals.

Cant go to the county hospital cause if I owe them money I cant get my med student grant, catch 22 Other than that it was ok, I just need some serious pain pills to get out of bed and get stuff done.