How & When To Take IGF-1 Lr3 Cycle. Dosages and Storage Information. Best Peptide Lr3


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</header>How to Cycle IGF-1 LR3:

The main work ofIGF-1 LR3 (IGF-1 LONG R3) is to build new muscle tissues by promoting nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. IGF-1 not only makes muscle fibers bigger, but also makes more of them. IGF-1 has potent effect on fat metabolism and helps the body to burn fat rapidly. It also improves mental functions such as reflexes and learning ability. IGF-1 LR3 is widely used by bodybuilders, but it not recommended for inexperienced ones.

IGF-1 LR3 Dose:

The best way to use IGF-1 LR3 (IGF-1 LONG R3) is to use it in regulated dosages. Usual dosages ofIGF-1 LR3 (IGF-1 LONG R3) are 20mcg to around 60mcg per day. IGF is usually available by the milligram (1000mcg), which is equivalent to using 20mcg a day for 50 days. But for the most part, the actual dosage depends upon how much the person is able to spend on Long R3 IGF-1, although most are usually satisfied with the 20-50mcg per day dosage. Additionally, IGF is also best taken either IM or subcutaneously, having more direct effects on the body when injected. It’s also recommended to be taken during the morning or after weight training sessions.”

How to take:
IGF-1 LR3 (IGF-1 LONG R3) is taken by Injecting intramuscularly i.e. injecting 20mcg into one bicep and 20mcg into the other.

The course length is usually 6 weeks but you can go up to 90 days.

Long R3 IGF-1, equivalent to a 1mg/ml = 1000 mcg vial, it is best prepared by using 1ml or 2ml of acetic acid

Side effects reported:
severe headache, nausea, and possible hypoglycaemia.

Many research studies have shown that GH and IGF-1 act synergistically to augment the effect of either hormone taken individually. So, the greatest results will take place when effective dosages of both hormones are injected. Usually 20-30mcg of IGF-1 (post workout) and 2-4IU GH (with breakfast) is the ideal stack for optimal results and minimal side effects.

Storage Condition: +22 C (71.6 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

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It shows no change at room temp for 2 years. I am assuming that if you can store in a fridge it would last 10+years???? Any testing been done our could you share some bro science:)
I don't know about that bro lol plus who's gonna store it that long anyhow.
How important is it to use acetic acid. What happens if you just use ba? AA burns like a bitch. How about a diluted version? Maybe 50/50?
How important is it to use acetic acid. What happens if you just use ba? AA burns like a bitch. How about a diluted version? Maybe 50/50?

ba works just as good if not even better! and ba burns too lmao
I've bought quite a bit of MC's IGF over the years and it usually ends up sitting in the fridge for long periods. I can tell you first hand that it is still at full potency after a year in the fridge. I've never left any at room temp, but in the fridge it is good to go for a LONG time.