How would you use these


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My buddy has Enath, sust and mast. Some dbol and mdrol. He is looking for mass without face bloat. I dont take this stuff so its out of my league.
Any ideas for him
a lot of anti'e's maybe. That drol and test is going to bring on a lot of water but I hear some folks hold it different.
im thinking about running mdrol 3 weeks or hdrol for 6 weeks, was going to start asking questions pretty soon. Im on TRT 100mg a week was wondering what i should up the dose maybe 100mg x2 a week? and when should i run igf on cycle or after or both? i dont have the money to run it as much as i would like. any other commits or suggestions appricated
what are his stats? i have a dosing scheme i put guys on looking to use this type of gear, but minimal bloat. The gains are ok, nothing compared to going all out, but you will notice the difference quickly....need his typical doses and body weight. Anti e's will definitely help
Dbol will definitely give him bloat, I would suggest trading for some drol if possible, but otherwise I'd say use the Sust, Mast with some Anti-E
My buddy has Enath, sust and mast. Some dbol and mdrol. He is looking for mass without face bloat. I dont take this stuff so its out of my league.
Any ideas for him

well diet will be the most important part of bhe bloating. I mean test, dbol will bloat you, but it can be controlled with the correct diet. masteron is a great hardner drug, and kinda has some anti e propertys. but what is his past doeses and what is his diet like now