How young is too young?


New member
I have been lifting for the last 6 years and hit a plateu. Im 19 now and cant get any stronger or bigger. I've lost my motivation since I have been at the same place for so long. What can i do to get this back, or what can I take? too young for juice?
mrtoobuff said:
So what can I do to get my edge back? Any new supplementation that would be good? Maybe a combination of things

Take a few weeks off. Re-evaluate your diet and training regimen and make changes where appropriate.
I think you might discover you may not gain a ton of muscle, at least what you are looking for in AS if you don't have the other foundation blocks in place.
mmx2 said:
Take a few weeks off. Re-evaluate your diet and training regimen and make changes where appropriate.
I think you might discover you may not gain a ton of muscle, at least what you are looking for in AS if you don't have the other foundation blocks in place.

agreed. 19 is too young, you are just gonna fuck up your natural testosterone production.

at your age, your test levels are THROUGH THE ROOF (hence the term young men are "walking hard-ons") put it to use, don't wreck it by supressing it.

why not post your diet/training and see if we can help? maybe it just needs a little tweaking;)

you can't tell me youve been seriously training since you were 15 years old can you? no partying, diet is ALWAYS in check, go to the gym religiously.....if you do, BIG PROPS! you are one in a million.....

but you are still too young to use steroids.
19 is too young in my opinion.Diet is the most important part of growing.What's your weight and how many grams of protien are you taking in per day?Do you work out with the same routine,if so switch it up.Give a little more info and I'm sure someone can put you back on track without AS.
Yeah I have been liftin since i was 14. Currently I eat 5-7 egg whites in the morning, then through out the day i will put a large chicken breast on two peices of carb watchers bread with a slice of cheese or use extra lean turkey burgers. Usually I will eat 2-3 of those a day. After my workout i take a protein, low carb. The best I felt was when i was on creatine, which i was taking only after my workouts, was using EAS phosphogen, worked the best for me. I snack on cashews and almonds before bed because it usually sepresses my appetite and they are good as hell. Sometimes i do hit the bottle pretty hard, vodka and redbull to watch the carbs. Eventhough i watch the carbs Im not really ripped. Probably around 8% bodyfat. But i do everyonce in a while break and have to eat something bad, but never overdue it by overeating bad things, never fast food, but something like a chicken parm. Im thinking my supplementation isnt good.
Im currently 5'5'', 160lbs. I would say i get about 160g protein. Usually take a protein shake 40g, and eat about 3 chicken breasts or turkey burgers a day. Plus around 7 egg whites in the morning. Everytime i go into the gym i try to do something different. But then again some exercises I always do, like dumbbell chest presses because I screwed up my shoulder and barbell presses hurt like hell. Maybe my routine is old.
way more carbs(seems like you aren't getting any), more protein, at least 250 gms more period....start there..

i started aas at 19, looking back i wish i would have waited. like willieman said, up your protien and carbs and you'll pack on some new muscle. BTW, i give you props for asking about aas before just trying it on your own, 5'5" and 160lbs @8%bf is pretty good, keep it up.
mrtoobuff said:
Yeah I have been liftin since i was 14. Currently I eat 5-7 egg whites in the morning, then through out the day i will put a large chicken breast on two peices of carb watchers bread with a slice of cheese or use extra lean turkey burgers. Usually I will eat 2-3 of those a day. After my workout i take a protein, low carb. The best I felt was when i was on creatine, which i was taking only after my workouts, was using EAS phosphogen, worked the best for me. I snack on cashews and almonds before bed because it usually sepresses my appetite and they are good as hell. Sometimes i do hit the bottle pretty hard, vodka and redbull to watch the carbs. Eventhough i watch the carbs Im not really ripped. Probably around 8% bodyfat. But i do everyonce in a while break and have to eat something bad, but never overdue it by overeating bad things, never fast food, but something like a chicken parm. Im thinking my supplementation isnt good.

8% body fat is contest shape. you would have striations everywhere.

what is the caloric breakdown of your daily food intake?

as far as the drinking goes, you can't be that serious about training/diet if you "like to hit the bottle pretty hard"
I would say your to young also. At 19 your still producing plenty off test on your own. Keep doing what your doing now.Push yourself a little harder in the gym and keep your diet clean. Stay away from the booze, Your muscles are almost all water,and we all know how booze dehydrates us the next day, in turn depleting some strengh.
I do have a lot of striations at 8% bf and my abs are coming out nicely and my bf was taken my a caliper, not totally accurate, hydrostatic scale is best and that isnt at my resource. I didnt realize booze was really that harsh, I will take that into consideration and completely stop. Well try to, college can stress you out, and I stay away from the trees, dont want to lose my aid.

When i mean hit the bottle pretty hard, I mean when i got out I hit it hard. Not all the time. Get caught up with friends.

20% Carbs 50%protein 30% Fat. This is a rough estimate, but about what I get.
mrtoobuff said:
I do have a lot of striations at 8% bf and my abs are coming out nicely and my bf was taken my a caliper, not totally accurate, hydrostatic scale is best and that isnt at my resource. I didnt realize booze was really that harsh, I will take that into consideration and completely stop. Well try to, college can stress you out, and I stay away from the trees, dont want to lose my aid.

When i mean hit the bottle pretty hard, I mean when i got out I hit it hard. Not all the time. Get caught up with friends.

20% Carbs 50%protein 30% Fat. This is a rough estimate, but about what I get.

you need to bump up your protein intake BIGTIME! 2gms per lb of body mass, more if you are trying to gain (2gms per lb of "desired" body weight)

are you taking in EFA's? this is something your body needs as can't get all fat sources from animal fat.

one more question, roughly how many calories are you seeing in a day? i betcha it's not nearly enough;)

and didn't realize how bad booze is for you? you didn't know it's hard on your body and TERRIBLE for your liver? you can't be running a cycle and "boozing" even on the weekends, you need to take care of your liver, it's the only one you have.
More carbs, more a little dirty once in a while...cheesburger...or some pizza here and there..pasta.....if you don't fill up on those things you can add some calories, and still keep somewhat lean, but if you ARE at can afford to eat....
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yeah way too young bro

theres no reason why a 19yr old should have to use any anabolics. eat train hard...maybe some good supps like M1T and creatine. Thats it. If that doens't do it for you chances are there is something in the equation that is missing in my opinion. Stay off the juice bro.
mrtoobuff said:
I was thinking about trying some M1T, that safe around my age?

I probably get 2500 cals a day

M1T is a steroid...not a loophole....I wouldn't touch it at your you age you should not take anything that messes with your hormones at all.
Like I said before eat, and train are 1 inch taller than me, and at one point (when I really learned about eating), I went from 165, to 180 in a year with diet, and some supps...the bigger problem is how are you going to keep that weight on if you don't eat.

I too am in the same boat as MrTooBuff, 19 and looking for some advice on bringing my training to the next level without the use of AS. I'm reading all of your advice and def agreeing with what your all saying. I think my question is how many ... carbs, cals, pro, fats is a safe estimate for the average 19 year old whos roughly 170. Because seems every person and every book, website, video, mag ... has a different magic number! I'm not looking for the perfect answer and without giving all my stats im just looking for a good starting place. Thanks for all your help up until this point.