hows this for motivation fellas...

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two stories here...

1-i've been training this kid named Kory since the first day i started at this new gym. he's 5'11" and looked about 170-175, but really weighed 149 with 6.5% bf. i tested his bf myself with a 7 site caliper test. anyway, after 5 weeks of training him we have brought his weight from 149 to 163, all natural and still at 6.5%bf. this kid is a freak by all standards. he's strong as a mother fucker with no bodyfat and all natural. his diet has been spot on and he trains like fucking beast in the gym. i'm serious guys, this kid trains balls to the fucking walls. he also has perfect form in everything except standing bicep curls where he cheats a little but not bad. i'm telling you this kid is amazing, when he gets to 200 watch the fuck out because he'll look like 230 at 6.5%. we are planning a little M1T for 4 weeks in another few months to see where he can take it, it should be interesting.
here's a few of his stats at 163lbs and 5'11":
-db military press: 6 reps 90lbs
-db incline bench: 8 reps 105lbs (thats the heaviest 'bells we have :rolleyes: )
-reverse hack squat: below paralell 4 plates each side for a slow controlled 7 reps
-seated db curls: 10 reps 65lbs
he's also box squatting 225 for reps (that will keep goin up trust me), barbell rows 225 for reps, and so on. this kid lifts like a 200 pounder but weighs far less, very impressive.

2- i have been giving diet/training advice to my friend josh for about 8 months. he started at 5'9" and a fat 245. he lifts at the gym i just started working at and has been really doing great. in the past 8 months he's brought his weight down to 211 with 17%bf, completely natural as well. we are starting an ECA next week and based on that might do some clen later. but anyway, in the last 5 weeks, all natural, we have put 50lbs on his bench, increased his squat 160lbs and increased his rep range from 8 to 20. we hve added 400lbs to his leg press, along with increasing his reps from 8 to 20 as well. we have also added 140lbs to his incline hammer press weight and increase his reps from 5 to 15 rest paused 8/4/3.

hows that shit for motivation huh? fucking right doggie! :thumbsup:
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video tape that little freak, I want to see that. Those are big numbers for a little guy, watching that would be motivating.
That is very motivational! Have these guys post their pics on the site.
Hey Flex, how much is it gonna cost me to get you to come down this way for a few months? Come on bro, its summer no classes and Im 15 mins from the beach. Think about it, get back with me!
Definetly motivating brotha, I am training a girl at the moment and her improvements over the last 2 wks are remarkable, so i know exactly where u are coming from
oh, i forgot to mention Kory is 19 years old. i shit you not. a true freak if there ever was one. i haven't really done anything myself but motivate them and push them to thier limits. they had it in them i just helped bring it out, but believe me we are FAR from done, these guys will be awesome in a very short time if they keep that fire under thier ass. i actually brought my digital camera to the gym today to take som pics of kory(josh is mon/wed/sat) but i figured that would be a little weird.LOL

also-i have helped my girlfriend go from about 130 at 5'2'' to 115lbs, she is about 120 now and looks great, her arms/shoulders/legs have much more definition and shape from the added muscle.

another guy i help train is a freak as well. he's 18, graduating this year. he's like 6'3'', 210 and solid! he's pretty strong in most things, like incline bench 265 for 3 sets of 5, military press for reps with the 105 db, and i shit you not 500LB PARALELL SQUAT FOR 2, I SPOTTED HIM ON THIS AND IT WAS UNBELIEVABLE TO SAY THE LEAST!!! he's playing for west point next year, gonna put a hurtin' on some boys for sure.

i am halfway trying to motivate myself here to bust my ass in the gym like i kick these guy's ass all over the place.LOL

southern, you dont want me to come out there. besides spending the money on me, there is the hidden costs having to buy a whole new wardrobe after we're through.LOL
LOL, I can handle it bro! If you can get me into a 34" waiste(Ive been trying to get into for a year). Ill pay your tuition! My buddy gave me some board shorts last spring break cause they were TOO big for him, they were 34" ever since then about once a month I try to squeeze into them, still aint happening. Well, its 8 am and time to put on my sweat suit and hit intervals for 40 mins!
are you serious??? how big is your waist now? i think we are going to have to talk about this.
I should have you train me, but artists like me don't get paid that much, lol. I actually wish I knew a lot more of you bros in person.
tonykemp said:
I should have you train me, but artists like me don't get paid that much, lol. I actually wish I knew a lot more of you bros in person.
i have thought about that too, how cool would it be if a group of us trained at the same gym. i dont train with a partner, even though i'd like to sometimes for motivation, but i dont know, maybe everyone except IP.LOL but i guess that would make this kind kind of useless.
Right now I have a 36" waiste and you can see veins in my front hip bones. The "trouble area" is my lower back and sides, along with my stomach!!!! Any help? Yohimbe/Clen/Caffiene..... nothing, nadda, NONE!