Human grade vs Vet shit....


New member
Was just wondering what you bro's prefer when it comes to your choice of gear? Human or Vet?? I know alot will already say human. I have done both and we all know if you do not have the right ssource for human you are stuck with the left-overs(Vet shit).

We all know that vet is more dirty and you have more troubles with it (site injects). Bang for your buck vet is what I always do unless a great source comes along with great prices. I guess I was just wondering everybodies choice. I know the pro'ss don't even touch the shit (vet) cuz they can get their hands on whatever they want. But some of us little bro's have to settle for what we get. I can say from my 3 years of being in the game I have had to us about 75% of it was vet. Do you guys think there is a big difference??? I know alot of vet is under dosed and under filled. but what can you do when this is all you have???

Also how many bro's when you are out or in the gym come and ask you if you are on??? And do you tell thtem the truth or do you tell them to take their "Hulkster vitimans"??? I believe everyone should try gear once. It is a free country(wait I better not say that after all this shit with baseball) and I think if you are old enough togo to war and fight for the freedom(and Bushes bullshit) youy should have the choice to stick a dart in your ass. SORRY bro's this shit just gets under my skin know how many cops at my gym are on and nothing is said to them!!!!! WTF is this world coming to?

Anyway getting back to the real ???? human or Vet??? and why? Thanks guys sorry if I ran on and on again. later Mass-man
I would use human grade although I believe certain AAS are vet only aren't they? I too, would also like a more free exchange of ideas on AAS at the gym. Personally, I don't have a problem since I get it legally. However, the info about its usage, etc. just isn't there unless you come to a great board such as this one. Not everyone has access to a computer, even in this day and age.
Depends where the vet comes from. Real Australian vet (not the Denkall, Sydgroup, etc bullshit which is made in Mex regardless of what they say) is exactly the same as human gear as in Australia vet has the same standard regulations as human.
What about a respected UG lab? I feel thats the best bang for the buck. The good stuff (human) can get pretty $$ at times. I havent touched mex Vet & probably wont ever use it. Isnt EQ a vet only.
Ummm, NO. EQ isnt a vet only aas. There are human grade versions out there. I persoanlly wont use vet unless i have no other choice. As for letting anyone know I use, well thats just plain stupid. PPL cant think whatever they want to but I would NEVER own up to anything. Hell, thats the quickest way to cause unwanted attention to yourself.
EQ is not vet only.

Fonz, where were you coming up with those last two sentances? You mean at the gym?

If you find the right UG, that's your best bet IMO. But they pop up and leave so fast you just never know.
Yeah, that is my answer if it would be a smart/wise decision to let others know that you use AAS in the gym. IMHO, that is never a wise choice.
Bro, it's not like I stand ontop of the bencha nd scream "Hey all you slackers want to be as big as me get this shit" You are blowing it all out of porportin. Bro all's I'm saying is if someone who needs help with working out (different exercises and shit not gear) and then they ask I say yeh!! I did'nt come to this board to get FLAMED or called stupid in any way. Just wa asking you. I'm one who say's it how it is. Draw attenion tgo myself.WTF when I'm on you can't miss me 6'4" sometimes 300# I'm not going to be like the geart american hero's of bbaseball and LIE anyways what are the feds goning to do if I'm on take me in for a test and say your under arrest??? I undeerstand if I was pedling the shit but this is persopnel use. Bro you are way out of line to say that about me. I thought this was family board. F-ck this shit just trring to get some conversation going . Not the joke of the week PEACE
Well, bud AAS is not a way to make up for shortcomings in diet/nutrition, lifting, sleeping, taking vitamins/minerals. Its just a supp so they need to get everything else in order if they want to "try" gear.

Its def your opinion, if you want to tell ppl that your on when someone asks you fine. But there have been busts at my old gym from ppl running there mouth so for that reason I would never openly discuss anything. Thats just my opinion. I'm not saying your right or I am just voicing my opinion and theres no reason why you cant do the same.

If someone comes up to me and asks about my back or somebody part or just has a general question about diet, i am always more than happy to explain to them where they can make adjustments or let them know things they can do. That helps kill the myth of bber's being assholes in the gym which needs to be dispelled to help this lifestyle grow amounst the masses.