Hvae you ever wanted to call it quits on training


New member
Yes, I get tired of it some times and ask myself the same question.  But I want to become the greatest powerlifter and become the greatest bodybuilder so I just keep on going.  I sometimes just take off a day here or there.
know u vets are talkn serious commitment here, so can certainly relate at my level.  there are days when i gotta drag myself to the gym and think i'll puke if I have to eat another chicken breast (ben & jerry's vanilla heathbar crunch, anyone?), but nuthin clears my head and centers me more than a good workout...well, a couple things come close mebby.  at this point, the bennies are worth the sacrifice.  ask me again in 5 years.


[email protected]
I've wanted to quit a few times.   All I do is pull out a picture of me when I graduated highschool at 5'10, 120lbs... seeing my ultra-srawny a$$ then is all the more insentive to keep going.
I think that everyone feels this way from time to time. I took few years off a while ago. You really start to hate yourself when your not working out. The body goes to hell in a big hurry. You look in the mirror or at old pictures and get really depressed.

I think if I get tired and start to feel that way again I will probably look at dropping the frequency and intensity for awhile to see if that helps or possiably try to find a different place to workout for awhile.
If I had any other worthwhile hobbies, maybe.  But this is the only thing I have that I truly enjoy.  I wouldn't stop for anyone.
after training so many years, i have also had these feelings.  i felt like "why do i want to be big?"  or "why do i need to lift so heavy?" or "maybe i should just turn into a cardio freak and get skinny".

you know what helps.  watch pumping iron. that sometimes fuels the fire within.  

for most of us, this is all we know, its in our blood.  we will never stop.

so stop crying, go eat some pinkies, and boot some deca, and go load on the 45's and when you finish and look in the mirror with that pump that no normal person has ever expirienced, then you will know why you do this.

Die big, Die young, dianabol.
In the past few years since I have made training a priority in my life I can't say I ever wanted to quit. But, I have gotten discouraged a few times and wondered why I continue to do it. When I take time off, I feel like shit. Worse than I do when I am discouraged with my training. I think everyone goes through it at times. Especially when other things are going on in our lives that need to be attended to, and training doesn't seem to be as important during these times. The one thing that I do know above everything else is I love this sport. Its my life, its what I do. It has became the biggest part of my identity. If I did ever quit, I would lose a huge part of myself and my life.  I would just be a regular guy again, and I couldn't live with that. Sorry for getting all "mooshy", LOL. Later
Sometimes I have just wanted to say "F it". But most of the time if my intensity isn't there..then I just take a day off. I don't feel like wasting my time and energy doing a workout if I can't focus on what i'm doing.
   Its good to give yourself a break from everything for a day every once in a while. Order a large pizza and wash the whole thing down with a 2-liter of Pepsi...fuck that diet...you know you will be right back on it tommorow  :D
Yea i dont mind the training or the cardio, or even the cost, but what i really hate is feeding myself every 2 hours, and i dont even eat for taste anymore. I hate food. I could give it all up just because of the dieting, and i dont mean just cutting i mean eating clean. I wish i could just eat whatever i want when i want and nothing ever changed.
Im sure it crosses all of our minds at one point.  But I have too much money invested in my gym to let it just sit there.  Plus I love the looks I get from others due to my body......thanks to our A.S friends.
I to like the frightened look people get when I turn the corner.hahahah :D  I can't wait for summer!!!!
<!--QuoteBegin--Gear101+Mar. 21 2002,6:23--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gear101 @ Mar. 21 2002,6:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->i did for 5 years and it sux.. i missed it too much.. nothing to do with me time...[/quote]
so...how much did u miss it if u quit for 5 years??<!--emo&?.--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/unhappy.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='?.'><!--endemo-->.anyways... i have never even thought about quitting....it is part of me....part of my lifestyle...it is what i do and i enjoy it...i am sorry all of u guys have felt that way b4... ???
Yeah I've quit for pretty long periods of time before but as soon as I seen any size coming off I'd start traning again.  Besides traning makes me feel alot better and is a great way to get rid of aggresion for me.  I don't think I'll ever stop.
I get worn down and feel just plain beat-up and run-over from training.  However, all it usually takes is few days off or a couple of workouts where I hit the weights a bit lighter, and then I'm back in business.  Quitting alltogether is IMO just plain ridiculous and out of the question.  I took quite a few years where I was on/off, mostly off, and I was miserable.  The sad part is, I didn't even realize it was the lack of workouts that was making me so damn depressed.  

**Being in shape, being strong and being in the gym is one of the best cures for bouncing back from daily life's continuous string of bullshit that I can think of...I hope I always have the physical ability to keep at it.
I guess everyone think about that question sometimes..............the answer is don´t stop!     <!--emo&{}--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/laugh.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='{}'><!--endemo-->