I Don't Get St. Patrick's Day

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And I have some Irish blood. I just don't get why anyone would want to eat fatty Corned Beef and drink green beer? Does anyone even like corned beef?

I think it is just another excuse for lazy people to take off work and walk around drunk. I saw some stud dressed up like a Lepercaun today and I really wanted to jump him and steal his lucky charms.

Yeah supposedly St. Patrick rid Ireland of snakes and for some reason it's now a national holiday. Boston is full of the Irish so it's huge around here. I'm 100% Italian and even I get all fired up over it. Come to think of it...wasn't St. Patrick Italian? Can someone confirm that. I believe he was born in Rome, his parents were Italian and he was kidnapped and brought to Ireland...
Why did he kill snakes? Don't stakes control pests. No wonder the potato famine went down.

Insane Irish.
"Saint Patrick is believed to have been born in the late fourth century, and is often confused with Palladius, a bishop who was sent by Pope Celestine in 431 to be the first bishop to the Irish believers in Christ.

Saint Patrick was the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland who is credited with bringing christianity to Ireland. Most of what is known about him comes from his two works, the Confessio, a spiritual autobiography, and his Epistola, a denunciation of British mistreatment of Irish christians. Saint Patrick described himself as a "most humble-minded man, pouring forth a continuous paean of thanks to his Maker for having chosen him as the instrument whereby multitudes who had worshipped idols and unclean things had become the people of God."

Saint Patrick is most known for driving the snakes from Ireland. It is true there are no snakes in Ireland, but there probably never have been - the island was separated from the rest of the continent at the end of the Ice Age. As in many old pagan religions, serpent symbols were common and often worshipped. Driving the snakes from Ireland was probably symbolic of putting an end to that pagan practice. While not the first to bring christianity to Ireland, it is Patrick who is said to have encountered the Druids at Tara and abolished their pagan rites. The story holds that he converted the warrior chiefs and princes, baptizing them and thousands of their subjects in the "Holy Wells" that still bear this name." CMF!!!!
Mike, true he was not actually irish, but he was born in scotland to roman nobles who controlled land in britain.
Well, some other snakeless islands are Hawaii-it was naturally until a brown tree snake population escaped somehow from captivity and started the thrive on the island. There is iceland, greenland, New Zealand, Easter Island, and Im pretty sure there are a few I missed. I remember that from Ranger school. Anyway, cornded beef is good I think, only when it is trimmed up and served with horseradish. Otherwise its just an excuse for everyone who is irish to brag about it like they are something special for a day and get shit faced and make asses out of themselves like usual. But hey, we can tollerate just one day. Everyone who is italian around here celebrates the other 364 days out of the year for some reason.
Nothing better growing up in Boston as a kid than going to southy for the parade and watching your 7 uncles and 10,000 people getting drunk and belligerent
My St.Pattys day sucked thats for sure. I had to fight my friend out of his driver seat so he wouldnt drive home. He was definitly in a black and tried to fight me, when i backed off a little he jumped in his car, backed up, ran his sisters leg over, then his brother ran after him ripped the truck door open, pulled him out and beat the ever living shit outta him. Unreal drama filled St.Pattys day. I hate how people get black out drunk sometimes and like its some excuse to do so on an Irish holiday. Im Irish and dont get black out drunk, wtf is wrong with some people.
Well I am in the heart of St.Patricks day over here and its just our national holiday the same as you have thanksgiving and Independence day. St>Patrick fought to bring CHristianity to those who had no religion in this country and done a very good job so its as good a reason as any to celebrate, we don't drink green beer or eat corned beef though that is just silly we drink normal coloured beer and eat prime beef.
I celebrated St. Joseph's Day which for us Italians is the day they break out the St. Joseph's Pastry's... if you haven't had them they are awesome. It's like a zeppole cut in half and filled with cannoli cream and topped with a marachino cherry. Thankfully I moved my cheat meal to Saturday and turned it into a cheat day instead of a cheat meal. I made chicken cutlet parmigian and angel hair and a giant feast for my wife and I and another couple. Hahaaha I love being Italian.
mikeswift said:
I celebrated St. Joseph's Day which for us Italians is the day they break out the St. Joseph's Pastry's... if you haven't had them they are awesome. It's like a zeppole cut in half and filled with cannoli cream and topped with a marachino cherry. Thankfully I moved my cheat meal to Saturday and turned it into a cheat day instead of a cheat meal. I made chicken cutlet parmigian and angel hair and a giant feast for my wife and I and another couple. Hahaaha I love being Italian.

I'm not sure how anyone can only have 1 cheat meal a week. That's dedication right there. Saturday is my cheat "day" also. Must be an Italian thing!
Mike make some Italian food for me and ship it down here. Florida sucks when it comes to Italian food.

I will take Veal Saltimboca, a salad with oli & vinegar, some NYC bread, a side of angel hair with meat sauce, Jennifer Love Hewitt covered in whipped cream and some red wine. NO MERLOT! I am not drinking fucking Merlot!

Thank you my meatball making friend.
BillTheButcher said:
a side of angel hair with meat sauce.

Meat "sauce"? What's that? I think you mean gravy. lol. Just wanted to clarify so Mike didn't send you the wrong thing...
I had a marathon sex session with my wife all weekend so I'm a little low on meat gravy but I'll see what I can do
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