i got picked on

hey bro, I hope you don't mind, but Biff had to eat his words. I posted your Jr. Nationals pic to shut him up. Let me know if you want me to take it down and I will. I thought it would be pretty funny though. :D
That pic should shut him up.......

The guy is an ignorant bastard anyway.... He calls you a BBing idiot because you express your opinion..... He is the idiot.... His opinion is something he regergatated out of a bbing mag, but couldn't remember anymore so he couldn't come up with more then one sentence....
did you guys check his response?

Biff said:
And no I don't look as good as you .. but I do alright for a natural guy. I feel wierd posting pics of myself but maybe some day..

shut him right up :D :p :D

I went over and read that post, it's amazing how some people just can take any criticism. That kind of crap is exactly what i don't miss. I've got so much more important things to do than argue back and forth guys online.

And yes, the pic that pump posted certainly shut them up!!! :D