I hate waiting!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Man, I got off my cycle a couple weeks back and I hate waiting to start up again. I was on a super long cycle, so therefore I was planning on waiting 6 months to start up again. I mean, I have to go all summer without being on top... that just sucks. Only thing I have going for me is Ill be back on for halloween. :)

Im so turned off by this long wait, That im done with long cycles...

Id much rather go on for 8 weeks off for 8 weeks....

anybody feel this way too?

Im thinking for now on its:

bro get yourself on a few cycles of IGF over the next couple of months and you will be very happy with the results and not feel like you're off.
yeah or just hit a low dose of test for your cruise. I have never tried this myself but i know some folks who have done it and gotten good results. Bloodwork is keey on this.
Yeah, I think I will do the same next time. Nothing sucks more when you are off cycle for a few weeks and start to loose strenth, energy and weight. Even though you are still bigger, stronger than before you feel like a big weakling.
supermannpc said:
take primo to bridge your cycle
so your never really off

how much Primo could you take without it shutting you down? I would imagine that even a low dose of Primo would shut you down and if that's the case what's the point?
Primo would shut you down at low doses too, and so you wouldn't really be off.
Glen- exactly! even though I havent lost many reps, I do feel way smaller!! it sucks. I know for sure I've lost some hardness.-but that could be do to creatine. I really didnt gain a whole lot from this cycle- infact im the same wait 235lbs... Which is almost good in a way?? -another good thing about short cycles, you dont gain much/ loose much.

Im on 20mgs of proviron right now. Plus, clomid/ creatine. I do plan on getting some IGF again. Im on the proviron cause I was affraid of loosing my sex drive. I turned my gf into a whore, and she wants like when I was on.- I created a freaking monster.-anyway, im still having sex 2-3 times a day, which I believe is do to the proviron.

So far, I dont think the proviron has shut me down. My balls even feel like there back, maybe not totally... but its hard to remember what it was like before my 20 week cycle- lol. If I hit depression, some really bad strength/size losses I will go with 200 mgs of test per week for a couple weeks and drop the proviron.
proviron will keep you suppressed to some degree as well bro, you should try to wean yourself off of everything and let yourself recover. Again I would say get yourself on cycle of IGF and you'll recover faster and be able to make some gains cycle it on and off for the next few months and then you'll be ready to go back on a full cycle. If you end up running the test you'll have to take more time off in the long run. JMO
Will do mike! I think im going to bump up the IGF a bit too. Last 3x i've run it at 40ius per day, I didnt get much from it. So maybe 60ius??

I ran into an old friend yesterday. He said "Man what have you been doing besides going to the gym??" - He said dude, your getting freaking huge....

Felt pretty good considering I feel like a mouse.
that's always a good sign bro, I have the same problem as I always feel small. Last cycle of IGF I ran by itself and ran 80mcg a day and got great results. I've gone up to 100mcg but I don't think it made that much of a difference except made me take some awesome naps in the middle of the day! I think 60 - 80mcg is the magic dose personally