I Love U.F.O. shows! Any Believers Here??

The problem with UFO's is that I don't think there is one credible photo where a UFO can positively be identified. That is why they call them unidentified flying objects.
The main problem with visitors from other worlds is the incredible distances between the stars. It is 26 trillion miles to the nearest star(proxima centauri). It takes light traveling at 386,000 miles a second 4&1/3 years to get there. It is impossible for a craft to build up to even a small fraction of the speed of light. As the speed of the object increases so does the mass of the craft and it requires an unbelievable amount of energy to keep increasing speed. If we do actually find a UFO it will probably be an unmanned probe. Just like we are sending to the other planets in our solar system.

Well seeing as it is proven that time and space can be bent (manipulated) would render what you said useless.
Well seeing as it is proven that time and space can be bent (manipulated) would render what you said useless.

agreeed! Everything beachbosy said is correct, but i highly doubt higher advanced being travel like we do, i think they can pop in and out somehow due to time and space being one in the same, which is why its called "space time" as they're one in the same ,

All i know is i would like to see something for myself! A craft, a being lol something lol! Ive seen a ghost in my life and know as sure as I'm sitting here that ghosts are real, but I've never seen any proof of aliens, and I would like to see something for myself,

I do find it hard to believe with all the cameras, and video technology we have now days that we haven't sen anything definitive yet, which makes one wonder, but then again not many of us look up at the sky much, lol.
I think it's a little selfish to think we are the only planet with life. Other planets that probably have life are just to far out of are reach to proof it. God likely made it that way. I would be very intrigued to see another planet with life and how they live. Maybe they have to start with horses and wagons too. Lol
Maybe if there technology is so advanced, they can be in the sky without cameras catching it. Radar was available in the 30s, we could hide from radar in less than half a century, who's to say that in 100 years there isn't space bending and cloaking devices, especially since we already have been developing cloaking to background via cameras for several years now
Jesus Christ it went Political, can you morons have a conversation about anything without it going to politics? Real question.
Your home life must be fantastic, "I'd take a shit but the liberal communist left winger blahh blahhhh blahhhh blahhh 'shit spewing from mouth' blahhhh"
Are you familiar with the Drake equation? If not, you should definitely Google it.

The only problem I have with the idea of ETs visiting us has to do with the fact that even they are a mere 50 light years away it would take 50 years traveling at the speed of light to reach us and another 50 to get back. The odds of an advanced civilization that close to us having the technology to travel at light speed seems unlikely. And we would be able to detect old radio signals coming from their home planet. But they're out there somewhere, for sure.
The Liberals wouldn't call them aliens, thats too discriminatory. They would be undocumented space travelers...

Thats funny as fuck and probably true as well! lmao

Jesus Christ it went Political, can you morons have a conversation about anything without it going to politics? Real question.
Your home life must be fantastic, "I'd take a shit but the liberal communist left winger blahh blahhhh blahhhh blahhh 'shit spewing from mouth' blahhhh"

This Moron found it funny as fuck! So why don't you shut your wet back loving, illegal wanting , lilly living liberal ass up!!!! lmao
Are you familiar with the Drake equation? If not, you should definitely Google it.

The only problem I have with the idea of ETs visiting us has to do with the fact that even they are a mere 50 light years away it would take 50 years traveling at the speed of light to reach us and another 50 to get back. The odds of an advanced civilization that close to us having the technology to travel at light speed seems unlikely. And we would be able to detect old radio signals coming from their home planet. But they're out there somewhere, for sure.

bro, if theirs life out there it could be a million more years advanced, so i highly doubt they would travel by means of burning fuel and going from point A to B, its more likely in my humble opinion that point A & B are one in the same point and time if your that far advanced, and yes i have seen the drake equation, and again if they're even hundred thousand years more advanced then us then they aren't measuring distance and speed like that.

Quantum Mechanics/physiques is in its infancy here but we already know that an atom can be in two places simultaneously. That my friend is how an advanced civilization will travel
Maybe if there technology is so advanced, they can be in the sky without cameras catching it. Radar was available in the 30s, we could hide from radar in less than half a century, who's to say that in 100 years there isn't space bending and cloaking devices, especially since we already have been developing cloaking to background via cameras for several years now

Agreed! If we went back just 100 years in time here on earth and could show all our technology to someone from 1915, they would say were thousands of years advanced in the future, lol, technology is moving forward fast man and as old as the universe is and if a civilization out there is only say 2 thousand years ahead of us, man could you imagine the shit they have discovered, not to mention their may be other elements out on other planets, that we don't have here that could blow our mind in terms of technology, I'm sure our chemical element chart is primitive to someone out there,

So I'm with ya man, for all i know these mother fuckers are walking around in my living room cloaked in some advanced shit watching me jackoff to porn on my phone, and to them I probably look like a fucking monkey lmao
Jesus Christ it went Political, can you morons have a conversation about anything without it going to politics? Real question.
Your home life must be fantastic, "I'd take a shit but the liberal communist left winger blahh blahhhh blahhhh blahhh 'shit spewing from mouth' blahhhh"
i speak for my comment, it was all tongue in cheek.....
bro, if theirs life out there it could be a million more years advanced, so i highly doubt they would travel by means of burning fuel and going from point A to B, its more likely in my humble opinion that point A & B are one in the same point and time if your that far advanced, and yes i have seen the drake equation, and again if they're even hundred thousand years more advanced then us then they aren't measuring distance and speed like that.

Quantum Mechanics/physiques is in its infancy here but we already know that an atom can be in two places simultaneously. That my friend is how an advanced civilization will travel
This is true. However, first a civilization must survive long enough to get that advanced. And assuming one that advanced wants to visit us, I personally don't think they are going to show up in some metallic, shiny, object but rather they would have perfected some sort of invisibility technology so we would never know of their presence unless they wanted us to. I think.

Hell, our whole universe could be just a simulation being ran by another civilization. But I digress
I agree that we arent alone in this universe. I hope people dont really believe that the pyramids were built by humans from this earth with ropes, sticks and wheels.
you guys don't get it-Alex Jones said that some celebrities and political people such as Obama inject themselves with alien DNA-you know they didn't get that at CVS or Walgreens...so of course they came from out of space...all the proof you need