I took 366 days off from the Weights. Where I am at


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member

Kind of got to lift yesterday, but the workout was cut short.
I have only been doing jiu jitsu lately, so yesterday I decided to see where my strength was at.
I did chest
Warmed up with 45 #DBs
Incline I ended up doing 1 set of 65# DB's for 10, then 2 sets of 10 with 100#DB's. I did not think I was going to be able to even pop them up, so I shocked myself lol
It isn't the 135# DB's I have done in the past for sets of 10 on incline, but over a year off I figure it's not too shabby.
I fucked up my knee at work this last weekend bc everyone is fat as fuck, so no legs. I plan on going back to the gym 1 day a week and jiu jitsu whenever I can.
I am only 190 pounds in this pic, vs January 2015 being 218 pounds, and 212 pounds when I started Jiu Jitsu April 2015.


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Kind of got to lift yesterday, but the workout was cut short.
I have only been doing jiu jitsu lately, so yesterday I decided to see where my strength was at.
I did chest
Warmed up with 45 #DBs
Incline I ended up doing 1 set of 65# DB's for 10, then 2 sets of 10 with 100#DB's. I did not think I was going to be able to even pop them up, so I shocked myself lol
It isn't the 135# DB's I have done in the past for sets of 10 on incline, but over a year off I figure it's not too shabby.
I fucked up my knee at work this last weekend bc everyone is fat as fuck, so no legs. I plan on going back to the gym 1 day a week and jiu jitsu whenever I can.
I am only 190 pounds in this pic, vs January 2015 being 218 pounds, and 212 pounds when I started Jiu Jitsu April 2015.

Rock on!
Had I known I was going to take a few back pictures I would have worked out back lol but whatever, unpumped photos work for now. Thanks fellas
Metal I'm impressed and your story rings too true. Brutha i give it two months you will be back to where you were, or close. Muscle memory is the best. Its hard to take that step to go back in. Rock on!
Metal I'm impressed and your story rings too true. Brutha i give it two months you will be back to where you were, or close. Muscle memory is the best. Its hard to take that step to go back in. Rock on!

Thanks bro :D I had to focus on technique more with jiu jitsu, but strength never hurts to have. I don't plan on getting to where I was, I change every couple years and I feel like I have reached that mature muscle point now where it can be more dense. Like a part of me wants to but really low just to see if I can do it, the other part likes where I am, the other part wants to gain a some muscle back.
You look great Metal. I am impressed that you threw those 100's up after taking a year off from the gym.
Thanks guys!
I just had my second Workout yesterday, My knee is messed up still from work so I chose to do Bi's, Hammercurled 70#DB's for 2 sets of 10 (I do hammers in the middle of bi day and go heavy on them)
you do bjj?? what belt are you?

I do a lot of No Gi so Still a White belt. You have to do Gi classes to get promoted with belts, which I actually plan on doing today for the first time in a while. Been doing it for 1 1/2 years. BJJ is really hard to tell where you're at to, most frustrating part about it. I have tapped a good amount of blue belts, I have had brown belts not tap me in a 6 minute roll, but I have had white belts tap me, and I have had white belts that I couldn't seem to get anything off on other than a good position for the roll. few really good wrestlers that I have been at total stalemates with too, which is frustrating some times. I started doing it when I found out I have Chronic Kidney Disease, wanted to let my kidneys chill for a while if you know what I mean.
Metal are you not concerned with all the surgery you have had over the last few years..that being thrown around is good for ya..
you had a neck fusion and a major accident a while back right..
by the sounds of it you are all healed up which is great..
Metal are you not concerned with all the surgery you have had over the last few years..that being thrown around is good for ya..
you had a neck fusion and a major accident a while back right..
by the sounds of it you are all healed up which is great..
Hey sorry for the late reply, no neck fusion here brutha, tricep tendon 100% tear that was repaired, wrist fracture fixation, inguinal hernia repair, and chronic back pain from an injury moving a 550+ pound patient
Hey sorry for the late reply, no neck fusion here brutha, tricep tendon 100% tear that was repaired, wrist fracture fixation, inguinal hernia repair, and chronic back pain from an injury moving a 550+ pound patient

my bad
i just remember some sort of injury you had a few years ago must of got mixed up somewhere along the line.
Encouraging as I won't be lifting for about 20 weeks here soon. Afraid to loose my GAINZ!

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I think it was Dude who had the fusion. I guess 17 years of lifting and cruising while out of the weight gym has its pros