I wanna lose bodyfat and build muscle

Malic said:
Well , what is the best thing for me to do to shed bodyfat without losing any muscle. Ill worry about building muscle after I shed some more bodyfat. Ill just keep my diet very strict once I get to my ideal bodyfat% which would be 4% I think

Also can you please put up this pic I took like 3 months ago

why on earth would you want to be 4% bro, that is much too low to be healthy...

Lower is Not Necessarily Better Bro!

A certain amount of body fat is vital for the body to function normally and healthy. In fact striving for a body fat percentage that is too low can be dangerous.
Measuring your body fat percentage calculates your TOTAL body fat. This total body fat can be split into 2 categories...

Storage Fat -- This consists mainly of fat deposited just under the skin or subcutaneous fat. Storage fat for men and women is fairly similar. For the average man 12% of bodyweight is storage fat and for the average woman 15% of bodyweight is storage fat.

Essential Body Fat -- For the body to function normally and healthily a certain amount of body fat is required. This is called essential fat. For women the average amount of essential fat is 12% of bodyweight and for men it is 4%.

Trying to achieve a body fat percentage that is so low it affects your essential fat stores is NOT good for your health.

Some storage fat is also required for good health. It's used to protect internal organs in the chest and abdomen.

So Malic remember aim to stay within the range for your age and gender and if you read up some more and learn about things like body fat percentages and sports performance you'll see there's no reason why you should be walking around with less than 10% unless that's your natural level. Bodybuilders only shed down to the levels you see them at in magazines for photoshoots and competitions but most of the time they are carrying twice the amount of fat on them. For instance if you see someone on stage or in a mag with 6% bodyfat they only are at that low of a level for a few days leading up to the show maybe a few weeks below ten. But in the weeks leading up to that they are MUCH BIGGER and carrying much more fat on them probably even more than double that number...
Shoot for 8-9%. There is no need to be below this for cosmetic looks or athletics unless you are a bodybuilder on stage. At these percentages you should have highly visible abs and would be cut up everywhere else. As Mike said lower is not always better. Also if you plan on staying that low good luck on gaining weight. You will not put on any new muscle if you are always worried about staying low in bf. Worry about one thing at a time bro.
To loose b/f you want to keep eating. Eat every 2-3 hours-shakes can be taken to bridge meals. Body fat stores energy. If you keep the body fed then it will not need to store body fat. Eat good fats-olive oils, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, fish oils-these also burn stored fats. You don't have to do cardio but once or twice a week and you should not exceed 20 minutes with it because you do not want to loose muscle.
bruce lee is ripped and cut, but that doesnt mean he did have fat on his body,...he indeed had a lower bf%, i would estimate around 5-6..But still tho it's unhealthy,...I'm at 11.5 and i want to be around 9 at the max....that's ideal, and for someone like you, you're already lean and ripped, no reason to go lower than that
I myself am at around 7.5-8%. I have a fast metabolism and don't do cardio really. I do watch my diet-for me this works. I would just say you take some peoples advice and tool around with it until you find something that works. It is no good if you are not really going to follow it either.