i would love to personaly kick the shit out of..

screw that psycho taking out innocent people from his little hiding spots. people like him or her make me want to puke. i just pray they catch that bastard before he clips anyone else. i heard today he clipped a 52 year old man pumping gas in va. makes me sick
string that bastard up by his nut sack!!! poke holes in him and let the buzzards eat him alive!!

and that the nice version
Another last night... some poor lady loading her car at the home depot.............. they had the entire area shut down within an hour and the dude still got away
yea I heard about that too. She and her husband loading their car in front of Home Depot at 9:15 last nite and she got shot right in the head. Unfuckingbelievable!!! :mad:
any asshole with a half way decent 223cal and a scope can be a good shot.. makes you wonder if he is some arab on a jihad or just a twisted american . But anyone with a little practice can shoot a modern scope equiped rifle well to do what this guy does. I would love to be the guy who got to kill him. If I lived in the area I would be set up waiting for him.. you never know you might be the one to get a shot on him .. no little 223 for me... he would be dead anywhere inside the 400yard mark with my