If you could go back what would you do differently?

So how does that relate to someone like say 40 years old that never took a steroid in his life and is doing his first cycle. Did they miss a window of growth or something?
I'm a firm believer now that guys that blast when young & run more moderate/maintenance cycles when older end up much larger long run

For probably 5 plus years in the beginning I did no more than 200mg a week of Deca. I only reached a good looking 250lbs a couple years ago. After no training, eating normal, and partying for 4 months I was 238lbs. 3 or 4 weeks later I'm back at over 250lbs and leaner.
I think its as simple as having a lot of muscle and holding it for a long time. Lots of guys don't hit their best until mid or late 30's. I know there is no way I could look like I do now in my 20's. I don't care how much gear I took. It takes time...
never would have been the big spoon to PRESSER's little spoon....... 5 penicillin shots later.... fuhhhhhhhhhkuhhh
hmmm good post, what would i have done differently…hmmmm…. I think i did things pretty well, waited tip i was 23yrs old, only used 250mg testosterone a week by itself for 10 week cycles, and blew up! I think the one thing I would have done better or would change if i could go back is i would have got into bodybuilding sooner instead of powerlifting comps and powerlfiting training. I really fucked up both my knees, need replacements and not just saying that, been to many doctors and one asked if i was squatting cars for a living,being funny of course but thats how bad my knees are, so i would not have powerlifted at all! I did however enjoy the powerlifting meets and the competition! but at the time i had no idea the toll it was taking on me and now years later my knees are fucked up beyond belief!

So I guess thats it, i would have went straight into bodybuilding and forgone the powerlifting meets and training style

I'd be willing to bet there were a lot of good memories you had as a result of the powerlifting meets and comps though!!!
So how does that relate to someone like say 40 years old that never took a steroid in his life and is doing his first cycle. Did they miss a window of growth or something?

You probably have 3-5yr window...Dude I agree with the quality but lets say someone is trying to raise their set point 30/40lbs...You have 3-5yrs from when You start cycling