If you had the chance to lift with anyone bodybuilder, who would it be?

I would love to work out with Scorp and Al, hell any of my bro's here Harvey, Winnie Chem Ev, Bigs, FB Cat, Badge, etc etc. would be cool to bang with !!
When I read the first post I thought about guys here. Then it went that way. I'd like to flail my emaciated body on a stack of 10lb'ers with everyone. Actually FBCat came to mind cause we lifted together one day, and that would mean that things were still going on for my gf and me. (they live in the same town)
Pro? Ok this might sound weird but, Jack Lalane. yeah he had a goofy show on tv, but he's old as hell and still in great shape, and has a very positive outlook on life and exercise. *ok, why do I hear the Twilight Zone music? *
pro? gotta be arnold...colemans too big and would make me look too small.

from the board? anyone who has a shotgun to bring along and do some duck/pheasant hunting after...
I think from the board...bleed, saks, shug, dp, scorp, and presser...al and rad dont count since I can lift w/them about anytime...
Pro: Dorian Yates or Arnold

Board member: Im sorry to say this guys since id love to WO with any of you. but my vote goes to T82 :D
now chem I wouldnt get much lifting done w/her...just a lot of "pointing" hahahhehehe I would have to make sure i was off test at that point too
Choke03 said:
I would love to work out with Scorp and Al, hell any of my bro's here Harvey, Winnie Chem Ev, Bigs, FB Cat, Badge, etc etc. would be cool to bang with !!

I will not "bang" with you no matter how nicely you ask...........well, OK - but only if you promise to hold me afterwards and tell me how beautiful I am
Choke03 said:
I would love to work out with Scorp and Al, hell any of my bro's here Harvey, Winnie Chem Ev, Bigs, FB Cat, Badge, etc etc. would be cool to bang with !!
I think he's dyslexic, and mean LA when he said Al

Either that, or he hates you!