IGF-1 lr3 and SARM Ligandrol Review


New member
Hello to all I just want to say A Big Thank you,I'm on my 9th day on IGF and Ligadrol.Yesterday I was able to feel my work out shirt a little tighter than usual.I wear Xtra large or 2x as I don't like to wear em real tight like some guys do at the gym.I feel comfortable this way and last night I got a compliment from a guy who told that I look great.Thanks presser for everything,and the rest of the guys who were able to answer some questions I had on IGF.All I can say is Wow!! I feel more pumped and I try not to look at myself in the mirror when I pin IM. I know it's hard but it can be done,I just concentrate on the muscle I'm pinning.Cant wait to see what I'll look like in 3 weeks.Im glad I was able to find Musclechemistry by searching the web.I wanted to try an alternative to steroids and I believe I found it.Thank you.
Hello to all I just want to say A Big Thank you,I'm on my 9th day on IGF and Ligadrol.Yesterday I was able to feel my work out shirt a little tighter than usual.I wear Xtra large or 2x as I don't like to wear em real tight like some guys do at the gym.I feel comfortable this way and last night I got a compliment from a guy who told that I look great.Thanks presser for everything,and the rest of the guys who were able to answer some questions I had on IGF.All I can say is Wow!! I feel more pumped and I try not to look at myself in the mirror when I pin IM. I know it's hard but it can be done,I just concentrate on the muscle I'm pinning.Cant wait to see what I'll look like in 3 weeks.Im glad I was able to find Musclechemistry by searching the web.I wanted to try an alternative to steroids and I believe I found it.Thank you.
Definitely hands down the best stuff on the market both on cycle and as a bridge between Cycles..

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Definitely hands down the best stuff on the market both on cycle and as a bridge between Cycles..

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Yes sir Macho glad I found this.I read up on it years ago, I should've jumped on it but I wasn't too sure.This is a great alternative to steroids and safer.
Yes sir Macho glad I found this.I read up on it years ago, I should've jumped on it but I wasn't too sure.This is a great alternative to steroids and safer.
Definitely brother and the results are permanent so it's a win-win situation..

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Yes sir Macho glad I found this.I read up on it years ago, I should've jumped on it but I wasn't too sure.This is a great alternative to steroids and safer.

For the record, and well, to somewhat piss on my own parade here, given that we sell the IGF , but I wanted to make clear that your talking about the combo of IGF and Ligandrol being a decent alternative to steroids, correct? Which is fine.

But the way I read it as if you guys were just talking about the igf-1 lr3 and it seemed to me as if you were saying the igf is a great alternative to steroids, which I do not believe is even close, and I don’t want anyone thinking theyre going to get steroid like gains from igf-1 lr3 as some guys already think this, lol,

So I just wanted to clarify for others that igf-1 lr3 is a fantastic compound, but if used alone, your gains are slow and steady, unlike steroids fast quick gains, however with steroids you lose most of your gains, and with igf-1 lr3 the gains are yours to keep. Plus igf 1 long r3 tells your body to start burning fat as fuel, now that is some kick as shit!

LGD 4033 (Ligandrol) and IGF cycled together though, yeah you can make some serious gains.

And its been my experience that adding igf-1 lr3 to any type of steroid cycle, be it testosterone , winstrol, tren, that I can nearly cut my dosages in half and still get the same effect due to having added the igf-1 lr3 ands its ability to......... well, you guys will have to do your research on why this synergy happens lmao, way too much for me to write right now lmao.

In any case, thank you for sharing your thoughts on how our products are working for you! I hope you don’t mind I copied this review of yours to our main peptide forum and left your original copy in the other forum you posted it in.
review bump
I am agree with Presser
When I add MC igf to any cycle bulk or cut results are unbelievable.
I can't compare it to any other substance
Presser any chance to contact me please about my igf.
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Sorry guys... I been on test prop 600mg/week, IGF 100mcg/workout days only/ 3-4 days and just got done with 50mg proviron ED a week ago. I added MC Ligadrol this week and like what I see so far.
Another Customer review on our IGF 1 lr3 and Ligandrol stacked together!

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