IGF-1 Lr3 is more potent for building muscle than HGH. IGF-1 versus Growth Hormone

Thanks presser for the eye opener
I need to figure this out before injection
of peptide.
Mans fuck my self up completely
you guys are the best thanks for the input
So on cycle what is the best pep to use.
Im not up on my peptide
I'm running t450
my apatite sucks.
Forceing myself to eat the sound food turned my stomach.
will peptide help with this.
Sorry for the dumb Q
i really need some good advice presser
thanks to the forum
how's powder guy been haven't seen any post up dates from him.

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I'm also useing Kratom daily
could this be suppressing my appetite?
Ghrp-6 or ghrp-2 will make you ravenous.
That's all you take is 60 mcg? That's funny compared to your ECA stack that could kill a horse.

thats all you need lol, Shit is potent, i think people go way over board with their igf doses, anything over 100mcgs for me is a waste , as for my ECA stack, yeah i kill that shit lol,
I'm taking 30mcgs pre workout. Up to 100 mcgs mgf post workout (depending on the muscle trained i may use that much each side!) although I've only just began igf lr3 and mgf together, i haven't began using the igf again after an hour...
Press, when you say the recommended dose post workout is 80-100 are you referring to mgf or igf? I try to take as much mgf as possible but have heard too much igf can down regulate receptors. I'm going to stick with my 30pre workout and then hit mgf my ghrp2 cjc combo...wait a half hour protein shake...then in another half hour I'll pin 30 igf with a meal...this should keep me at a low but steady dose of igf...Thoughts?
Pinned 30mcg lr3 pre workout (im delts/traps). Hit shoulders/back. Immediately maxed my military press...no lie.
Serious pumps. Came home pinned 50mcg each delt and 25mcg each trap (mgf), pinned my ghrp2/cjc combo. After a half hour, protein shake. One hour post workout another 30mcg lr3 with carbs/protein meal....(im into lats and delts)
60mcgs brutha
Press - I'm pinning lr3 30mcg pre and post workout. Post I'm also pinning mgf but since i only train three times weekly i tend to use up to 200mcg to hit 50mcg in each major muscle group (since i only lift three times a week i hit two major muscle groups at a time)...could i be using too much mgf that could negate the effects of the lr3 or down regulate receptors? I'm feeling heavier in my gut (it looks heavier)....on the flip side i only began my lr3 a week ago so I've had two workouts with it and they've been insane...so perhaps it's just part of the growing process. I was however hoping for specific site growth using the lr3 and mgf together not overall growth....thoughts?
great Insuline-like growth factor-1 read,

we also have IGF-1 lr3 special prices and promotions in the store here @ www.musclechemistry.com