IGF and hamstrings

Report is in..... First off I only use MC IGF. I've used other brands in the past and had issues with purity and quality.. not to mention infections.
I applied 50mcg to each Hamstring halfway between the knee and glute just to the outside, right in the meat. It was painful and tight at first. I rubbed it and stretched and trained them 75 minutes later. My hamstrings have never felt or looked this good. The pump is and was insane. I had no issues in fact they felt better than ever and each contraction was amazing. I'll be applying here every hamstring workout from now on in an effort to bring up the hams.
Amazing product!!
Can somebody post site injections (about forearms) ? I can't find it on the web...

I pin forearms on the inside, the meatiest part of your forearm. About 3.5 to 4 inches up from elbow. I can see my veins, so I avoided them, I went straight in with a half inch pin, all the way. Because of nerves, enter slow and carefully.
I pin forearms on the inside, the meatiest part of your forearm. About 3.5 to 4 inches up from elbow. I can see my veins, so I avoided them, I went straight in with a half inch pin, all the way. Because of nerves, enter slow and carefully.

Thank you, If i do the injection 0.5inch up from a vein, it's good?
Report is in..... First off I only use MC IGF. I've used other brands in the past and had issues with purity and quality.. not to mention infections.
I applied 50mcg to each Hamstring halfway between the knee and glute just to the outside, right in the meat. It was painful and tight at first. I rubbed it and stretched and trained them 75 minutes later. My hamstrings have never felt or looked this good. The pump is and was insane. I had no issues in fact they felt better than ever and each contraction was amazing. I'll be applying here every hamstring workout from now on in an effort to bring up the hams.
Amazing product!!

Good to hear, so you basically went in the part that's seen best from say a side chest or tricep pose?
I pin forearms on the inside, the meatiest part of your forearm. About 3.5 to 4 inches up from elbow. I can see my veins, so I avoided them, I went straight in with a half inch pin, all the way. Because of nerves, enter slow and carefully.

I'm still a little nervous about applying to the forearm, but glad to see it's now possible
I pinned forearms and bi's the same day. Wow! The pump was almost uncomfortable. For some reason, it was worse on one side than the other. I could barely put my hand to my mouth. I will continue to do this, but I apply to my bi's every workout day, I will not be able to handle applying to forearms every time. I will have to pick a couple days of the week and do it then.
I pinned forearms and bi's the same day. Wow! The pump was almost uncomfortable. For some reason, it was worse on one side than the other. I could barely put my hand to my mouth. I will continue to do this, but I apply to my bi's every workout day, I will not be able to handle applying to forearms every time. I will have to pick a couple days of the week and do it then.

sounds like when I took 50mg of DMZ, 100mcg of DES, and 750mg of Agmatine lol.

I couldn't grab the bar or do anything anymore. 3/4 through my workout I actually had to wait between my sets to cool down to be able to do another set.
I did it again a few days ago and hit something in my right ham. The back of my upper leg and the top of my calf are numb to the touch. I may have to skip them for a bit